The President, the press, and some of the biggest entertainers come together for a very special occasion: The White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Live – tonight at 8 p.m. ET on CNN


Oh the fun… I jest however I continue to be stupefied by the method American presidential elections are determined. It usually is decided by approximately 5 states and upon further “drilling” a few swing districts within each state thanks to the electoral College . Is this any way to conduct a national election ? The fate of so many determined by so few.

Only the America system does this . The founders were brilliant but the electoral college is a relic of their long past era. However, there is no movement to change it because it favors overweighted rural America. An underpopulated state like Idaho has as much representation in the more powerful Senate as California Texas or New York effectively giving the minority the majority .

Here’s the who’s who of the “press”! No it is not! Biden didn’t address one actual press conference before election or after!
He’s incapable! He’s the ghost President puppet!’His press secretary who is now admittedly queer is more concerned about her sexual orientation than her job!!
She has to literally read her answers to questions!
Biden never appears at one press conference!
Trump stood for hours peppered with questions from hostile belligerent people looking to trip him up so they could twist his words and start a controversy!
Now these same people dress in black tie to attend an event that glorifies and rewards them for doing a good job!

Look, today’s Communist/Democrat party is ANTI-LAW ENFORCEMENT and back cop hating groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Hell, they fund these scumbags. But these same idiots depend on the same LEO they hate and defund for their own protection.
It’s a freaking joke and a huge slap in the face of our brave officers that PROTECT AND SERVE!
While Senator Kamala Harris was running for VP, she was simultaneously asking her followers on Twitter to help bail out violent BLM rioters, many of whom were attacking law enforcement officers. Squad” members, Democrat Representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar have all openly called for the defunding of police in America.
The results of a new poll that have just been released could be a wake-up call for these radical lawmakers who support the defunding of police departments across America.
The new poll reveals that the violent Black Lives Matter rioters and looters and Democrat lawmakers who support them couldn’t be more off the mark when it comes to how the general public feels about law enforcement patrolling their neighborhoods. I
Joe Biden is NOT running America = THESE people are!!!!!!!
The China Fraud and Parasite Host Game
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:
About thirty-five years ago, the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors began an in-earnest plan to move the bulk of their operations to China.
The apparent motivation for this was the ability to exploit the Chinese workforce, with cheap, plentiful, non-union labor immediately increasing profitability for them.
According to their Rome-based modus operandi which we can observe for more than two thousand years, it was also a move to diversify globally and begin undermining the industrial base of The United States and Europe to prevent us from being able to compete effectively against their Chinese-based products.
When the parasite moves to a new host, it ritualistically undermines and damages the old host, so that the prior host cannot compete with its new host. It's just business. No hard feelings. The old wife is worn out bearing children, so write her off and buy a new one.
Accordingly, Taiwan and HSBC, the British entangled Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, became the world's leaders in black market commodity rigging and money laundering for the British Crown and Rome, which operated the two Municipal Corporation Subcontractors out of DC as the muscle and the face needed to beguile China.
Following their established Dumping Ground Fraud Scheme, the Perpetrators offered the Chinese a deal they couldn't refuse --- dump all the debts of all the Chinese corporations registered as franchises of the British Crown-operated Municipal Corporation or the City- operated Municipal Corporation Subcontractors on America.
So, the British Crown Corporation affiliate, China, Inc., was promptly set up and was soon followed by the City Corporation affiliate, CHINA, INC. The old game of accumulating franchise debt ---to be off-loaded against our country and our people in yet another pre-planned bankruptcy--- began.

China, like all the other countries involved in this bankruptcy fraud scheme, charged all the debts of all their Municipal Corporation franchises against the Americans; we received all the debts, the foreign Municipal Corporation Perpetrators received all the profits.
And, predictably, China's industry and infrastructure building and everything else exploded. Thousands of new factories and storefronts erupted like mushrooms in spring. Millions of Chinese workers found themselves working longer and longer shifts. In America, "Made in America" stickers disappeared while "Made in China" stickers proliferated in the same explosive manner.
We were paying for our own industrial demise, and we were paying both coming and going. Thanks to Breach of Trust and Service Obligations, the actual foreign operators of the two offending Municipal Corporations were using our credit and our physical assets to buy their way into China, as well as pouring slush from their Black Ops operations into China.
On the other side of the China Pipeline, we were paying at the cash register, too. And that wasn't the only way we were paying for all this largesse.
Our natural resources were being stripped, everything from our children being human trafficked, to natural gas being siphoned, to lumber being loaded up and carted away to China. Anyone could stand on any California dock and watch it sail over the horizon.
So our raw materials were being shipped to China to feed their industrial capacity and China was shipping the finished goods back to our markets and we were paying them for the finished goods ---- and they were charging off all their operating expenses to us, too. It was a Trifecta of asset stripping done by professionals.
After all, Rome has been doing this since 753 BC. Conditions in the EU were not much better, if better at all.
There, the Chinese goods simply got new stickers applied to them so that they appeared to come from Bangladesh or some other country of origin, and the shipping pattern --- how the natural resources got to China and how the finished goods got back to the EU --- was more complex, but it was still the same scheme.
The Perpetrators went on undermining of the industrial bases of Europe and The United States, still forcing the victims to pay for the Chinese goods, still manipulating everything so that natural resources from Europe were being stripped and sent to China, too.
Meantime, every kind of Sweetheart Deal they could possibly give to China was given to China --- at least, on paper. Lots of handshaking. Lots of smiles. Best Friends Forever.

The money and credit literally poured into China like a tidal wave for decades, so much so that the Chinese Government was running out of industrial base-related projects to spend it on. Building giant modern cities in the Gobi Desert became an option.
Chinese workers must have wondered what was going on? Suddenly, their worst enemies were their best customers? Their lives improved dramatically in some ways, even as the government imposed ever-more stringent surveillance on them, and their news channels became increasingly westernized.
Anyone familiar with Roman History and take-over operations wasn't confused, but it must have seemed like a trip to The Land of Oz for most of the Chinese people --- everything was booming, all at once, all over. British, American, Dutch, and even Japanese tourists came crowding in.
Everyone in the Jet Set was a nobody until they went to Beiijing.
So everyone went to China and everyone saw that China's biggest problem was also their biggest asset: their people, but the Brits and the Romans had long ago observed that, and made their plans accordingly.
First, China would be coerced to reduce their population, which they did, resulting in the so- called "One Child Policy" and punishment for any couple who had more than one child.
This also resulted in a million man surplus, unmarried men of a certain age who could not find mates, due to the strong cultural prejudice in favor of sons and against daughters which resulted in widespread genocide against female fetuses and even toddlers --- if their Mother subsequently conceived a boy. And then, ironically, a shortage of Wives and Mothers.
This meddling with life and disrespect for it led to a million man army, a virtual "New Wall of China" --- because these extra men were viewed as largely expendable commodities by their own government and were viewed as cheap mercenaries by the invading western commercial corporations.
Cheap mercenaries are a requirement for Mercenary Conflicts and wars for profit, which is part and parcel of how the Romans have always operated. The whole One Child Policy was more about creating a cheap million man mercenary force than overpopulation, which shows again the cynical, selfish, premeditated nature of the beast.
Not only did they undermine our industrial capacity and seek to destroy it, even to the point of sending operatives out as arsonists to burn down our food production facilities and oil refineries, but they arranged train derailments involving highly toxic chemicals in an effort to destroy soil and water --- this on top of a long term program of aerial spraying of poisonous and highly incendiary industrial waste products on our soil and adding more industrial waste products --- fluoride -- to our water and dental care products.

Kordinate 0 Grinuiç London. Rothschild dinasty ne këndvështrimin tim . vereni me kujdes : Dinasty = nivel absolut - si Harlemi ekip , koncentrim i pasurise njerezore ne nje dore : epiqendra london , dhe te tjere me xhepat pantallonave te grisura : rrotullohen rreth këtij boshti te fshehte . I cili dhuron hua fajde , duke u unfiltruar edhe konvertuar ne aksioner kudo , dhe duke sugjeruar transferuar politikat ekonomike ekonomike - aksionet : ne forme dallge oqeanike ne formen e deshires dhe interesave rothschild dinasty . Organizimi i rothschild dinasty : Qendra London . Aleat , vetëm british monarky . Prodhojnë valute ne fabrika , ne proporcion te ekonomise globale : te grabitur nepermjet huave , aksioneve , transferimeve . Jane izraelite englisht foles . Veprimtaria e tyre : Amerike - bashkimi europian . Ne vitet 1960 Franca ishte ne Algjeri dhe ne algjer kryeqytet , kishte nje revolte guerile . Nje kolonel francez perballe suitës se tij ushtarake , ne dërrasën e zeze te nje klase shkolle vizitonte organizimin e kundërshtarit algjerian : vizitonte numrin 1, 3 , 9 , 27 e me rradhe . Te njejtin organizim kane rothschildet , por ne 2 numra , ne 2 kahje ,: Amerike - europe . Kane hapur kembet tentakula ne 2 anet e oqean atlantik : si gjigandi i Rodit = Armiq te amerikes dhe europes : grabisin fonde ne Amerike nepermjet Rrezerves federale qe nuk e kontrollon askush , krijojnë mjerim , varferi , papunësia , eleminim industrie te automobileve , dhe i transferojnë : ne europe , izrael , te industrite e rendesishme te tyre , ne parajsa fiskale , i kane dërguar ne Cuba , Hong Kong , Makao : por qe dështuan dhe nuk pergjigjen para ligjit , nuk hetohen . Organizimi dhe veprimtaria e Rothschild Dinasty : Numri 1 : Rothschild dinasty - British monarky . Numri 2 , Amerike : Masonet . Numri 2 : Europe , Zyrtare te larte te bashkimit european . Qe me urdher te rothschildeve prangosen Eva kaili = hajdute e rendonte , nen ndikim Katar , Katari shtet pasanik gjoja islamik , por nen ndikim te nje subjekti super gjigand , te mrekullueshem . Numri 3 Amerike : illiminati . Numri 3 europe : zyrtare te larte shtetesh erope perendimore , vasale rothschilde dinasty . Numri 4 Amerike : henry kisinger , George soros , Elon musk , Antoni fauci , Donald j trump , Bill geits , Mark Zuckerberg , jef bezos , rrokfeller , mellon , dypone , e te tjere gangstere te pa pergjegjshem , qe ishin mësues , filantrope , inxhiniere : pa trashëgimi ekonomike familjare dhe brenda 24 orësh : konvertohen ne miliardere , akumulues pasurie te popullit amerikan , te sanksionuar , te instaluar fshehtas nga Rothschild Dinasty , ose me sakte :British Monarky : qellimi : Shkatërrim Amerike - Europe . aksionere ne industri , qe e përshkojnë popullin fisnik Amerikan : ne diagonale te çrregullta lozonjare , lojërash te ndryshme , duke e futur popullin e ndershëm : ne nje turbullurie psikollogjike , rreth Vicioz , dhe duke i ulur nivelin personal , shume me poshtë se : punetoret gjigande te chikagos , duke e varfëruar ate , duke i vjedhur pasurine fondet nepermjet ketyre tentakulave gjigande , e duke ja dhuruar Rothschild Dinasty . Numri 4 europe : identike , grabisin popujt dhe ua dhurojnë pasurine Rothschild dinasty , nepermhet perandorise : soros . Qellimi : Eleninim Sindikatash Punetorie - shkelje e te drejtave njerezore : E sofistikuar . Vijon :
