Police investigating active shooter incident at outlet mall near Dallas | CNN

One suspect is believed to be dead and officers are searching for a possible second suspect after a shooting at a Texas outlet mall, source tells CNN



Like every issue that divides us, there seems to be an oversimplification of the issue and two opposite sides. “Look at other countries…” “ we need less guns..”
The thing is, it’s not just guns, it’s culture. Other countries have a more stable social structure? —-but the world and the US in particular, has become increasingly efficient at turning out psychotic and sociopathic people. People. Mental health crisis if you want. But the roots of that is society…broken homes producing children who grow up and produce more broken homes…each generation slipping further from sufficient nurture…the media, pop culture, promotion of violence, what is considered “cool”…the list goes on.
Take away all the guns you want, I think these types of people will just use other ways to do things like this that don’t involve guns.

Dave Anderson Arming teachers? I'm not totally opposed to the idea, as a teacher, but doubt the Right will help fund this.

First, find credible sources saying that arming teachers will solve more problems than it will create. I haven't been able to find any.

A. Here are some reasons showing why this isn't the great solution some say it will be.

Imagem https://www.everytown.org/solutions/arming-teachers/

B. We know the right isn't known for funding public education well. Why do you think they'll support funding for arming teachers? Find evidence showing how the Right plans to fund the arming of teachers. Who will pay for the training itself? Who will pay for the substitutes needed to cover classes while this training occurs? (A Tx. program requires 80 hours of training.) If not during a school day, who will pay the teachers for doing this outside of school hours? Who will purchase the guns and ammo? Who will pay for gun maintenance? Who will maintain the guns? Will additional insurance costs be involved? Who will pay for that?

C. Professional armed guards have proven to not be a consistent deterrent to school shooters, so why would Mrs. Sally, the preschool teacher, be more likely to deter or take down a shooter? A simple case study of the Parkland or Sante Fe tragedies sufficiently shows that the arming guards/teachers is an insufficient plan.

D. Uvalde had their own school police force. How did that work out? They didn't deter the shooter, who had attended school there before and who expected an officer to be there. Eventually 370 officers from various agencies eventually showed up and did nothing for over 70 minutes while the shooter terrorized children and teachers in multiple classrooms, including my friend's loved ones. The officers not only stood outside the room doing nothing for over an hour, they also blocked streets and prevented ambulances from accessing the school. School busses that were closer transported injured students to hospitals. The officers even told a medievac chopper to not land at the school because there wasn't room. (There are large fields around the school.)

E. How exactly do you envision the armed teachers to respond to an active shooter scenario? Do you want them to leave their students alone to go pursue the shooter? Do you want them to have a safe in their room to access the gun? Do you want them to wait by the door for the intruder to enter?

F. It sounds like the Right would rather have children surrounded by guns all day long in classrooms rather than preventing the bad guys from accessing weapons to begin with. (The Giffords link I provided shows how risky that can be.)

G. The Right doesn't seem very interested in limiting who has access to guns, even proven violent criminals. They're fighting for domestic abuse perps to have firearms. Why? The majority of mass shootings are domestic related.

H. Also, doesn't arming teachers nationwide seem like a conflict of interest considering how the gun industry funds Republican campaigns?

I. Again, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I don't see the Right following through with this plan, just like they don't follow through with the mental health plan. They often blame mass shootings on mental health issues but then often cut funding for mental health services. For example, Abbott blamed the Uvalde tragedy on mental health issues but then cut over $200 million from his health budget. https://finance.yahoo.com...-140136065.html

If the Right supported their "solutions" to school shootings this would be different, but when it comes down to it they usually just offer, "Thoughts and Prayers." While those are important, action is also required. There are many examples in the Bible where God required action before He intervened. ex. Moses and his staff

Sue Anderson They don't care. They only use the mental health and criminal lines as an out, but if you track legislation you'll know they don't want to address either problem.

If it's just a 'people problem', why doesn't the Right want to limit who has access to guns? They want nearly every adult to have a gun, even violent criminals. For example, leaders of the Right fight for CONVICTED domestic abuse perps to have firearms in spite of knowing that the majority of mass shootings are domestic related. Explain that.

The Right often blames mass shootings on mental health issues but then often cuts funding for MH services. For example, Abbott blamed the Uvalde tragedy on mental health issues but then cut over $200 million from the health budget. Explain that.

Another day another mass shooting in the USA. You all have more guns than people. The reason all other first world countries and third world countries don’t have anywhere near the mass shootings if any at all is because they all have very strict gun laws and very few people can own guns. Look at Australia, the Nordic countries, and many many others. Just because you don’t have guns doesn’t mean you aren’t “free”. Conservatives are so ignorant, uneducated, and don’t value lives that are different from theirs. They’re the opposite of who Jesus was. Conservatives care more about guns than a children lives.

Congressman KEITH SELF, Really it’s the police’s job to keep people safe , that actually came out of your mouth So wouldn’t it be congresses job to keep the people and children safe in this country. WTH there is no reason on this earth that ANYONE other than Military,Government Agencies and law enforcement that should have access to an Automatic weapon such as an AK. I would call you sir but I can’t, after your comments . AGAIN it is YOUR Job , Do it . All of the people in CONGRESS it is YOUR job! #USCongress Change the Gun laws. When is I going to be enough of Innocent people and young children being killed in our country.

Daniel Barnett seriously, just talk to a young adult and you'll see. They claim they are smarter than everyone and that they are the critical thinkers. Yet they can't even tell you what the capital of the USA is. And I'm talking about the kids in college, not 6th graders. I fail to understand how they can call themselves "critical thinkers" or woke because they don't even have an understanding of basic knowledge. Just ask one of them to do a simple math problem, they can't. I used to be fully on the teachers side but what I've seen of these kids if nothing short of negligence on the part of the educational system and the teachers combined.

Trevor Walters there's already laws that prevent certain persons with mental illness from purchasing guns. But those records aren't shared state-to-state. And they aren't checked at all at gun shows where unlicensed sellers are.
Therapists are required by law to report to law enforcement if they think their patient is a danger to themselves or others.
2 weeks would give sellers enough time to make sure the background checks go through all needed agencies. The 30 minutes you wait at a licensed seller isn't thorough.
And training before owning a gun is no different than the law requiring us to train before we can drive a car. And with that, you're still required to take the written test again at certain points in your life.

CNN anchors and paid contributors criticizing police, local politicians for not providing enough information within 2 hours….. and talking about how this encourages misinformation/ disinformation, SPECULATION…… .
The CNN - FAKE NEWS complaining misinformation / disinformation, false speculation…….

The same CNN that chose to spread the lies for 9 days that a Covington School kid ( a minor) was a Bigoted Racist Inciting violence.
Smear , innuendo, fueling rampant speculation from CNN panels of paid talking heads.
Yet here we see within two hour CNN anchors and talking heads criticizing that Police Department on a mass casualty situation, covering a massive Mall area in Texas.

Shame on CNN for pushing whipping up this negative commentary. ️️️️️️

I always find it remarkable that MSM talk about these sick premeditated shooters want high numbers of victims …… what they also crave is what the MSM coverage and social media provides …. Instant National Coverage

Dean Christianson the gun obsessed nuts ALWAYS go to the mental illness excuse, as if mental illness is something new. I'm 59, we never had to worry about getting blown away in school when I was young, we never had to worry about getting blown away at the mall, the grocery store, church, at work, at concerts, at the bank, or anywhere else, take your pick. We had people with mental illness back then, the difference is, civilians weren't allowed to own military style weapons. People had respect for human life and one another, especially the lives of children, folks watched out for one another, every kid in the neighborhood was watched by everyone else, now neighbors don't even say hi to one another, everyone is pissed off at nothing, people are at each other's throats over nothing, too much divisiveness. We have over 100 million more guns than people in this country, but it's never a gun problem to the gun obsessed, it's always the mental illness excuse.

10ºDoris Caudell Only four under Trump? Are you serious? From Snopes:

the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history took place during the Trump era. In October 2017, a gunman shot and killed nearly 60 people at a music festival in Las Vegas. While not an exhaustive list of every mass shooting that took place during the Trump administration, here are some of the deadliest incidents while Trump was in office:

In November 2017, 26 people were killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
In February 2018, 17 people were killed at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
In May 2018, 10 people were killed at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas.
In October 2018, 11 people were killed at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
In November 2018, 12 people were killed at a restaurant in Thousand Oaks, California.
In May 2019, 12 people were shot and killed at an office building in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
In August 2019, 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.
