Witnesses of Texas mall shooting that killed 8 and wounded at least 7 describe the chaotic and horrifying scene | CNN

Witnesses of the Texas mall mass shooting that killed at least 8 and wounded several describe the chaotic and horrifying scene



Open letter to President Biden: President Biden-This is a defining moment for you to execute your Executive Privilege and Ban Assault Weapon Bullets right now. Make it an automatic jail sentence for anyone found in possession of these bullets! You need to pull the rug out from under the toxicity that is rampant among Male Republican Legislators and male mass shooters who are running and ruining this Country. Think of the history of the Trojan Horse-when there is a will there is a way! If you saw someone needing First Aid and you knew CPR -I am sure you would bend down and render CPR! You just save one life!! Well with the grace of God you can save countless lives tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day! You can’t let a few dysfunctional misfits take over and implode our Country. You will become the General of all Generals by acting with the Courage that your Constituents have entrusted to you. You will be acting on the rights of the majority that want gun control instead of allowing the minority to destroy innocent Americans going about their daily lives. If you believe in yourself and do what the American people need and want-you will become the true World Leader of all times. You will have won the war without ever having to fire the first shot!

Jolanda Tiellemans and exactly how is that going to happen, no guns? What is the plan to get em? Buy back? Overbearing tax stamp, confiscation (highly NOT recommended). Why should legal gun owners who follow the law be forbidden to posses weapons such as firearms? You need to embrace the fact that no law works, criminals and sociopaths do not care about laws therefore will not follow them. If they can’t get a firearm legally “under the law”, they will and can get their hands on a firearm outside of the law. Want a good law? Eliminate ALL gun free zones, allow citizens who are legally allowed to carry a firearm to do so wherever they want without the risk of prosecution. What targets are these shooters hitting?? Soft “gun free zones”, cause they know the chances of getting shot back are slim to none. Now i am not familiar with texas gun laws, or that mall, but if the mall is a gun free zone, then thats a start to take those signs down and change the law to remove them.

Ann Katherine A “mass shooting” as defined by the FBI is 4 or more INJURED OR KILLED. The vast majority of these shootings are inner city gang bangers using illegal guns and a very small minority are “assault” weapons. If you want to have a serious conversation about gun violence you need to start there, not these sensationalized events that get all the attention. Most liberals do this intentionally to place blame on Republicans or the NRA and not on the people who are statistically committing most of these killings. You know who they are and not only will you not admit it but anyone who speaks the truth on it you call racist.

Jane Hiscocks Stop thinking you're not good at it.
Jimmy carter double digit unemployment double digit inflation.
Reagan contacts's increased employment and cut inflation.
Those policies work.
Now people like you so ignorant you're putting joe biden in place that is putting the same pialties in place that caused double digit inflation. People just like you.
So biden is an economic dummy jimmy carter was an ekan hammock dummy.
Reagan and trump put in policies that created record economic numbers.
So just remember liberal policies are the mass murderers over the last hundred years globally that committed over a hundred million deaths.
Do you already get specific the same policy that you're trying to put in place now.
Do you know what happened with the france wells tax? You know what happened in Venezuela when they said we're gonna? Take from the rich and give to the poor. What you're suggesting is ridiculous when you look at actual policies and outcomes and which policies you support

Robert Brandvold I don’t know anything about that my family on both sides come over legally and worked in the cole mines along side of people of color. Thank goodness the Republicans stepped in to stop slavery many years ago! Those rich Democratic plantation owners would still have people in chains! It was Joe Biden who said he didn’t want his kids raised in a racial jungle and fought to keep segregation in place! He doesn’t fool me one bit! My body my choice didn’t come into play when people were told get the vax or lose your job , small business owners were forced to close their doors and so were churches! Oh but the Dem politicians were caught out having dinners and getting their hair done! They would throw those masks on quickly when the cameras came on!

Luis Gael Angel you can buy pistol that will do damage as well.

Banning a specific weapon won't stop it from happening, they will result to using other sources for the violence they seek.

You're not that ignorant to understand the internet has everything, even how to create a bomb.

The thought that a ban is fix and we can all be happy now is sad.

There is a bigger problem going on.

We have a bigger problem than the guns.
It's the amount of people that are thinking that shooting up a public place is a solution for anything.

Shirley Smith Murray I'm sorry, you are very misinformed. If you purchase a gun from any store that sells firearms, you must have an ID and pass a background check. No, you don't need a license, as in a gun license. If you buy a gun online it must be shipped to an FFL and when you go to pick it up, you must take and pass a background check.

There is no way to enforce background checks for private parties...even if it becomes illegal. That would be like saying that someone can't sell you drugs illegally....

Red Flag laws are up in the air...they can be anonymous so anyone could say you are a threat etc.

Got it?

Tony Kennedy You all shout racist so often that it’s a joke. Nowhere did I say my black friends were the only law abiding black people, but that just goes to show you how you racists operate. Yes, YOU are a racist. Nobody in my family is EVER going to disown me, and yes, I have 10 grandchildren and yes some are mixed race. That’s a non issue except for people like yourself who see race in everything. My original post was a response to the constant blaming of gun violence on the NRA and Republicans. Let’s place Blame where it belongs, on the KILLERS.

Is AR-15 so easily accessible to civilians ? Can they put a ban on this military automatic gun purchase for civil people ? It seems like every other crazy shooter in mass shooting owns an AR-15 and it’s supposed to be a military weapon.
It may be a little stretched but Is it a terrorist’s attack? Are these shootings organized by terrorist group to attack people in USA from inside USA?
People will now stop going out in fear of getting shot. This will also affect the economy.
My prayers with all the victims and their families in this tragic incident

10ºKristie Wilson-Another option for those who are in denial of what remains to be seen what can be done!Outlaw assault weapons based on the national health emergency of daily gun deaths in America. Covid was seen as an enemy and an emergency was declared. The number of deaths should not be an issue as even one preventable death is one too many. Our Secretary of Health and Human Services has the power to declare a national health emergency. President Biden can delegate his authority to the Secretary and can ban guns and bullets like DeSantis banned the masks! Outsmart these heartless -scared of their shadow- haters from ruling this Country. We will no longer be considered a civilized nation in the eyes of all the Countries that are mocking our very existence on the basis of the domestic terrorism that is allowed to continue. We can fight ISIS but not the NRA or the minority of people that own assault weapons of mass destruction!
