Trump town hall on CNN: Live updates

Donald Trump took questions from Republicans and undeclared voters on a wide range of issues.


I have no idea why you would support this correspondent interviewing Trump on CNN's first interview with the former president. I lasted 10 minutes before I stopped listening and went directly to my computer to offer my comment. But I did not have to. Everyone agreed with me. They all commented on the correspondent's inability to control Trump. And what did you expect? She wasn't ready for this. I knew that before she opened her mouth. She is saccharine. Your new management is going to put CNN out of business. Good luck with that. I've already switched to NewsINation. Nothing to do with Cuomo. Everything to do with the way news is reported. This was the perfect example

So where is your HOURS and HOURS long coverage of President Biden's important speech today giving summary of his accomplishments and his debt ceiling talks with republicans? AS USUAL it is virtually NIL! CNN is at least finally owning up to its true conservative agenda it has always had. The lack of full hearted support for the Democratic party and its rush to always give trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, air time as often as it could, slight Democrat accomplishment and literally tear to shreds everything they are able to accomplish is finally out in the open. Shame on you Kaitlyn Collins for putting your name on this debacle. Bye, bye CNN. No more for me!

I swear this man is an idiot. Everything against him is a lie, fake news, he never does anything wrong. Ever! Do people actually fall for this? He admits to nothing. He is a narcissist who only cares about voters for their money and votes to give him power. He cares nothing fir those who are there for him. Nothing. Has anyone that isn't rich, ever been invited to his Mar A Lago, or actually got him to talk to them? No. Because if you aren't someone in power, he has no time for you. Disrespectful, and it's always him, him, him. He didn't say anything substantial, and was a clown. I pray the undecided, saw this spectacle for what it was. I hope those who were going to vote for him, saw through his ignorance. He is the most dangerous, negative, divisive person I have ever seen running for public office. He loves the chaos. I'm glad CNN made this move. To have him do exactly what everyone knew he would. Make people see the real narcissist he truly showed tonight.
I am utterly disgusted some people don't care to question his honesty. They believe everything he says, even with evidence he is a pathetic liar.

I can no longer watch CNN. I believe they SHOULD allow guests from all parties to share their views but when a town hall turns into a free for all for Trump to take control of the event, it's time to turn it off. He should not have been given the opportunity to hold a rally on prime time tv. I have supported CNN for many decades as well as reading FOX news regularly to hear both sides but now I will turn to NPR and outlets like BBC and AP to get real news. Shame on you for allowing him to spew forth his lies and not reigning him in.

Wendy Armstrong Embrey he inherited a good economy. All he did was reverse regulations on corporations. Those might help boost stock market in the short term, but there are regulations on industry for a reason (see Ohio toxic cloud from train derailment for a good example, and that is safety, and that one is squarely on Trump.)
He gave tax cuts to the wealthiest. Didn’t help my small business.
The Republicans controlled both houses for two years, and they didn’t do squat for most Americans. We don’t have affordable healthcare like he promised.
They promised the best plan for struggling families, it was going to be so much better than the Affordable Care Act.
Then there was the pandemic. Not Trump’s fault, but other than expediting a vaccine (one of the good things he did), he denied it existed, he called it a Democratic hoax. He handled the whole thing poorly.
His rhetoric is hateful, it will be much worse if he gets back in office. He invited hate groups to Washington and encouraged them to march to our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. And he tried to overthrow a legitimate election. He has yet to concede 2020, and continues to promote the lie that the election was fraudulent, even though it has been debunked over 60 times in courtrooms across our nation.
I love my country, and I say he will destroy this country.

The MAJORITY of America is very grateful that Trump got FIRED!

The Trump movement of the last 4 years is the same kind of movement you have just before you get a colonoscopy, lots of sh.t. The Trump Presidency ends with the same movement! Fortunately America got to flush Trump and his crap back into the sewer where it belongs.

No 4 more years, ever!
No Nobel Prize!
No Statute.
No face on Mount Rushmore.

There will be no monuments and no encomiums for you. The whole country has watched you fail. The whole country is watching your Increasingly feeble state. The whole country is watching you lose. We will all watch you return to your golf clubs as the biggest loser the American Presidency has ever produced."

Trump will go down in history as the greatest shame and failure of the American political system. His government will also go into history as a disgusting example of unbridled corruption and greed. In the days following his loss there may be violence on both sides as he will call the election rigged as he did during his first campaign.
The anger and resentment could easily boil over into riots. America will survive this and eventually begin to heal. Truths hidden by his deceit and corruption will become known.
Although many will deny his guilt most people will eventually recognize the truth. Trump supporters will become quite, softly mumbling like the Germans after WWII, “I just didn’t know”. They won’t want to talk about it and deny the damage he has done to America. Ten years post Trump it will be difficult to meet anyone who will admit they actually voted for him. Trump and his supporters will always be held in disgust and contempt by the world and history.

On a day when Congress shows bank records that prove The Biden’s received millions from America’s enemies, and the day before a tidal wave of illegals flood our country, the libs are on here saying they are going to leave CNN, not because CNN didn’t report the truth about Biden corruption, but because they dared to air an opinion they disagree with. Tell you what… let’s get Biden to agree to come on Newsmax and see if there are an equal number of tears from the right. Bet there won’t be. Also bet Biden wouldn’t agree to it in a million years.

This is sad, guy still thinks he won,still thinks there was election fraud and the people love him. Yes there needs to be change in DC but not this guy. Hard to believe that the Republicans have no one else to run against this guy. Just keeps on lying and justifying the 4 years he was in office. This guy can do no wrong in his eyes. Tax evader, rapist, lier, and crook.
He tried to justify January 6th with Twitter posts. Are you kidding me. Republicans and democrats, we can do better than this.
Btw did Mexico finally pay for that wall?

Terri Grennan, You are wrong. President Biden has done many good things in last two years. He got us on the right track after trump derailed us. Biden saved democracy, created millions of jobs, lowest unemployment since
60's, brought medicine prices down to $35. mo., helped Ukraine, brought the deficit down 1.7 trillion dollars trump created ( raised the ceiling 3 times) and raised taxes 15% on rich people and companies which will bring in 350 Billion dollars we didn't get w trump. trump did hardly anything good while he was playing the part of POTUS, and he did a Bad job. He was the worst POTUS in history! It's too bad his face will be in history books.

10ºCNN YOU REALLY SCREWED UP! I GUESS YOU ARE THE NEXT FOX FAKE NEWS CHANNEL. GIVING TRUMP A PLATFORM TO SPREAD HIS LIES IS A DISGRACE! KAITLIN IS NO MATCH FOR TRUMP AND HE KNOWS IT The audience are all Trump supporters. Why didn't you allow some Democrats in to ask questions? Are you now being run by the GOP? FIRE KAITLIN AND BRING LEMON BACK! HE COULD HAVE STOOD UP TO TRUMP. This isn't an interview this is a Trump rally ! What the hell is wrong with her to allow Trump to run on and on with his lies!
