Millions of people are prescribed antidepressants for chronic pain. Do they work? | CNN

Around one-third of people globally live with chronic pain — pain experienced for more than three months — and millions of people are prescribed antidepressants to relieve the condition.


Democracy and freedom(2) two ultimate mysteries of the art
In the current world, those are two ultimate mysteries of the art.
Regardless of sports or arts, after being old or the body be destroyed by Brain-Control, can still keep previous art performance, such as Whitney Hugston, Michael Jackson, when Michael Jackson was very young boy, he seemed to be the same as the old artist who has reached the peak, but in fact, he was using the strongest man's strength. Whitney Houston’s body after the 1990s has been seriously injured, no strength to sing. Now all Western people have been castrated and cut by Brain-Control, they can only use the style created by athletes and artists. After bodies be destroyed, the arts of Jackson and Houston were lower than before, about ten years old Michael's art was actually the same as 70 years old the best artist.
After the body be destroyed, artists' artistic expressions has also been destroyed, they need to look for the new art expressing means. And in current evil world ruled by China’s Brain-Control, artists should not sing, dance, do art in the previous means, the change of society has changed the means! In practice, real artists know that all their artistic skills can be keeped into new art means almost. In theory, the best means that 100% keeping skills can be found, because the content and form of art are consistent in final.
You think that 1980s weak body Kim wilde and 1991 body strong Wilde, which one is better? That is equivalent to "the real art that's put in mathematical, physical and rationality thinking, and current arts that's the dementia and feeling". The true artists know the most advanced literature is an academic article. The language is part of the content, otherwise the content is not comprehensive; the content is also expressing, the article is only language, the content is only putting poses. So strong Wilde is better, that’s a thinking of democracy and freedom.
Women should pursue man’s spirits!
So 100 years ago was women liberation, now is body building female man, but that isn’t the thought of Men and women equality, the parliament is heavily composed by women who's natural is fool, at the same time, the sexual assault becomes fashion in the world where has been no men.

I've noticed that more and more doctors are prescribing antidepressants for just about everything now. "Oh you have anxiety attacks during the 4 week extreme busy time at work? Here take an antidepressants, one pill a day for the next 30 years." "Oh you are having major stomach issues and your stomach is not breaking down your foods? Here take an antidepressants."

Yup I've heard it all from doctors and the insurance company. I personal believe that antidepressants are going to be the U.S. next war. First cocaine, then marijuana, followed by Oxytocin (and related drugs), last will be antidepressants.

Princess Charlotte of Wales, Waiting for The Return of The King of Atlantis.

Untuk mencapai itu semua, saya harus melakukan 10 jalan yang harus ditempuh.

Jalan lurus, sepuluh yang mesti ditempuh
Yang pertama, bahwa Allah Maha Esa
Yang kedua, Muhammad Rasul kita
Yang ketiga, cinta ibu, cinta ayah kita
Yang keempat, cinta guru-guru kita
Yang kelima, cinta tanah air kita
Diri kita memancarkan cah'ya cinta
S'moga Allah membimbing kita semua
Jalan lurus, sepuluh yang mesti ditempuh
Yang keenam, salat mari ditegakkan
Yang ketujuh, Quran baca, diartikan
Yang delapan, sedekah dengan dermawan
Yang sembilan, puasa penuh keikhlasan
Yang sepuluh, senyum, sopan senantiasa
Keramahan perilaku diri kita
S'moga Allah membimbing kita semua
Jalan lurus, sepuluh yang mesti ditempuh
Yang pertama, bahwa Allah Maha Esa
Yang kedua, Muhammad Rasul kita
Yang ketiga, cinta ibu, cinta ayah kita
Yang keempat, cinta guru-guru kita
Yang kelima, cinta tanah air kita
Diri kita memancarkan cah'ya cinta
S'moga Allah membimbing kita semua
Jalan lurus, sepuluh yang mesti ditempuh
Yang keenam, salat mari ditegakkan
Yang ketujuh, Quran baca, diartikan
Yang delapan, sedekah dengan dermawan
Yang sembilan, puasa penuh keikhlasan
Yang sepuluh, senyum, sopan senantiasa
Keramahan perilaku diri kita
S'moga Allah membimbing kita semua
S'moga Allah membimbing kita semua

Matius 2:2 TB
dan bertanya-tanya: ”Di manakah Dia, raja orang Yahudi yang baru dilahirkan itu? Kami telah melihat bintang-Nya di Timur dan kami datang untuk menyembah Dia.”

Mazmur 84:5
84-6) Berbahagialah orang yang kuatnya adalah dalam Engkau, dan hatinya adalah pada jalan raya ke kaabah-Mu.
