6 money tips for new grads

Becoming a working adult after college or graduate school is exciting... and terrifying. A few smart money moves can help.



Kathy Ann You prove my point . The news media is part of the Democratic Party …. They ONLY REPORT on news they want you to hear . Your news source keeps you uniformed on issues regarding your political party .
CNN is actually trying to change this , this is why Trump was on last night . Have you listened to all the crying from from the liberal socialists regarding this?They are fuming , they dont want people like yourself hearing the other side … in fear of losing you .
This is why you have no idea of what the Biden family has done and is doing, they don’t report on it and you don’t want to believe it .

I have never commented on anything like this before but I feel that I need to let my voice be heard. I do not know who the woman was that was the interviewer for the town hall meeting with President Trump. She needs to be embarrassed as she set women back 50 years. It was very obvious that she is a liberal and does not believe anything that President Trump said. That is her right, but as a journalist if that if what she is, it is her responsibility to present the story and not input her facts. She had no problem telling him that he was wrong but presented no facts to prove her opinion. If CNN had any kind of integrity, which we know that they do not , should fire her and tell her to go to school and actually study journalism this time instead of hair, makeup and clothes. If she does not then she should try and join one of the reality TV shows with all the shallow women as that is all she can handle.
