Daniel Penny surrenders to police to face manslaughter charge in chokehold death of Jordan Neely on NYC subway | CNN

Daniel Penny, man who held New York City subway rider in a fatal chokehold, surrenders to police to face second-degree manslaughter charge



Tony Zandi did a Marine attack a man from behind and choke him to death? I understand how the media got you to deflect to distractions that have nothing to do with the facts surrounding a Homicide, but what I can’t understand is why you would think it’s ok. Facts are that the only one that got attacked was a hungry emaciated 5’ 6” 100 pound man with tooth pics for arms and legs cause he had a bad day. That man didn’t have to die cause someone got scared. Our laws in this society are not based on “feelings”. Are laws are based on facts. The facts are that this man did not physically assault anyone on that train that day. But he was killed by a man that him attacked from behind. All that man wanted was food and empathy. In my community we don’t have homelessness and no one goes hungry. Guess I live somewhere in America that still has good morals!!

Stephanie Nelson I never suggested he warranted death. I'm telling you why nobody is wasting their time getting in their feelings over him, because he's a criminal and not worth it. He wasn't some hard working family man providing for his kids. And just to be clear, if some lunatic on a subway platform aggressively gets in your face and starts screaming at you or your daughter or mother or grandmother and threatening you, you'd want any guys present to mind their own business? I can't wait tikk they realize their error and give him a medal and key to the city.

Kevin Houston from what I see there are multiple people, and that’s what he had access to… No matter what, no one can do anything right to you people! You don’t know wtf you’re talking about with the training, and you forget about reality, and you expect to much out of a human being…. You also obviously haven’t read anything about the veteran, you forget about fight and flight, and the possibility that something was triggered in him, and other passengers for that matter to feel like they need to subdue the man. I highly doubt the man meant to kill the way you wannabe justice warriors allude to. Maybe you need to be in his position to understand what happened instead of assuming things.

Stephanie Nelson I agree, this is a horrible situation, but in the video, by his actions and according to most of the people there he was defusing the situation. Had law enforcement or mental health facilities taken care of the problem one of the 40 times before the situation would not have happened.

Penny took a man’s life and may need to answer for it but he’s not a murderer and shouldn’t lose his life, and the hatred needs to stop, so does the racism, he was being assisted by another black man, he was attempting to help a community of races and people on a train, not end one life.

Rob Gilchrest I guess we'll see. New York law reads, to me, that once Mr. Neely was no longer a threat, force should no longer have been applied to him. since he was restrained by multiple people and choked into unconcsciousness, and then still choked, I think the prosecution is going to have an easier time with this than you think. In New York, you of course have the legal right to use lethal force to defend yourself or others-but only as long as they are still a threat to yourself others. the second they're not, your legal right to harm another ends. I wasn't there and can't speak to the exact circumstance, but there's a lot of people not familiar with New York laws that are trying to apply "stand your ground" laws here, which simply aren't applicable.

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"New York city subway rider"....CNN headlines making it seem like this was some poor innocent boy being attacked for no reason.

This guy was arrested over 40 times, incliluding for violent Assaults, and, had an open warrant for his arrest at the time for a violent assault of al elderly woman. He then proceeded to threaten subway riders in an erratic manner while claiming he was willing to die doing so.

Other passengers took action to subdue this violent "rider" until.poloce could get there, which took 6 minutes. Someone making threats against others and stating they are willing to die MUST be taken seriously as an imminent threat.

The far left DA did what was expected and charged those defending themselves.

The disgusting media is pulling footage of Neely from a decade ago impersonating Michael Jackson (looking oh so harmless) and leaving out his over 40 arrests (including punching a 67 year old woman in the face and attempting to kidnap a 7 year old girl)…so spare me the racist remarks from the family’s attorneys (that now pretend to care) and #mayorericadams. I am SO SICK OF THE SPIN!! Everyone in that subway car was trapped as much as if they were in a room they couldn’t exit with a person threatening harm. Is everyone supposed to sit quietly wondering if the guy had a knife or gun?? GTHOH

Daniel Penny is a hero who saved the passengers on that subway.
It’s a shame Jordan Neely died but it wouldn’t of happened if he wasn’t threatening the other passengers. He had been arrested 42 times including arrests for violence on the subway and had a warranty out for his arrest. If Daniel did nothing and Jordon attacked another passenger , y’all would be blaming him for not helping. You want to blame someone? Blame all those POS politicians you keep voting in. Blame the liberal DA who keeps letting these violent felons out on cashless bail. Blame the defund the police proponents. Daniel Penny is a true American hero.

10ºHe beat a 67 year old woman who has brain damage now where is her justice but meanwhile he is still walking the street . If you want to put blame put blame where it belongs , how about the governor and the mayor doing their job and getting help for these poor people that have mental health problems . People yell that no one comes to the rescue when something happens this man did not set out to kill him he was helping himself and everyone on that train. It is very sad that he had to die but that is where our government comes in to protect the mentally insane and get them help they need . Rest In Peace 
