Some border counties declare disasters as Title 42 expires | CNN

The United States’ Covid-era border restriction policy known as Title 42 expired overnight


Jean Israelson…. Meanwhile
…. What a Load of Liberal HOOEY from Secretary Mayorkas this morning.
It is HE & this Abysmal Biden Administration that is using the Illegal Immigration to score political points.
… THEY have NOT enforced the Immigration laws since taking office. And we have had unprecedented Illegal IlmImmigration along with drug smuggling such as Fentanyl & human trafficking.

…. Title-8 allows those Immigrants to be released into the United States when facilities are full…. With no way to track them.
Won’t take long for THAT to happen.
Some cities already cannot handle the influx of Immigrants.

I’d rather vote for ANYONE over Joe Biden to get into office again.

Another Biden FAILURE . He isn’t coming to the negotiating table with Speaker McCarthy.
The Republicans did Their job & brought a Bill that raises the debt ceiling While it curbs spending.
…. Biden said he would work with Republicans but he is doing Nothing of the sort…. Empty words again from the President.
… Biden seems to forget he works for ALL Americans not just the Democrats.
… Joe Biden & Chuck Schumer’s my way or the highway’ attitude needs to STOP

Here ya go Americans, you are being put last once again by the Dopey Joe Biden regime and Democrats!!! Thousands and thousands of illegals will be released into America to collect welfare and lots of government freebies,while Americans are not getting taken care of!! All the taxpayers are being fleeced and elderly, American children, our Military members will be left out, as we pay for border control overseas in Ukraine, Jordan, Africa, and many other countries !! Illegals invading our borders will ramp up and they will receive food stamps, free school,rental assistance, medical care,while the suckered that work and pay taxes are screwed!!!! Come legally and no problem, but to rush the border and cross illegally cannot be let to happen!!!! Hopefully Americans will wake the hell up and see the Democratic party does not care about this country or the laws!!! The Democratic party and their media wing are planning on the easily led, uneducated, ignorant, being ked like sheep to do,say and act as they are told!!!!

Emily Davant Wiele wow, you grew up here. I see you ignored the 85,000 missing children comment. You have nowhere near what we’re dealing with. Move back down to Texas & see for yourself. Don’t take my word, don’t take the media’s word. Come down & help yourself. Have you had over 10,000 for 3 days in row? We know you want very cheap labor from this comment.
Again, where’s the 85,000 missing migrant children? My guess is sweatshops for your cheap labor. I’m going to keep posting this link till everyone know about. Get out & vote people or it’ll be 4 more years of this. Just don’t be putting up 80 year old men for opinions. As President Biden said chaos will be happening for awhile. Be prepared for the chaos to be with you soon.

When Biden took office he delete all of the Trump era programs that reduced illegal immigrant crossings to a 40 year low which caused the problem we are experiencing now. During the 2 years 4 months Biden is president according to border patrol figures 5+ million illegal immigrants crossed the border and 1+ got-a-ways. 10 May 10,000+ illegal immigrants crossed the southern border which is a record. According to border patrol when title 42 ends at midnight 11 May that figure will double (20,000) or triple (30,000). Both New York and Chicago have issued states of emergency because they can’t handle the influx of illegal immigrant. Biden and Mayorkas are doing nothing to stop this flow. This influx of illegal immigrants is causing a burden on city budgets, schools, hospitals, housing, city services and taxpayers. Biden and Mayorkas should close down the border to illegal immigration and force illegal immigrants to come into this country legally through the 40 legal ports of entry on the southern border in a controlled, limited manner.

Jennifer Reid they didn’t even call it a crisis, till now. They’ll pay at ballot box in just over a year. Our inflation is killing people (don’t scream it worldwide) now trying to buy food & rents. We’re supposed to have the best economy in the world. How do we pay for this? Do you see other countries sending humanitarian aid? No, you don’t! How much has the US taxpayers spent on foreign aid this year? Little to no money from our own government, yet border states have been begging for help for 2 years. Now that New York & Chicago are being affected, it’s finally being shown what’s happening. Those 2 cities don’t even come close to the chaos down here, bout time it was shared with all sanctuary, cities and states.

David E. Bussiere are you going to send an offer to these people to stay at your house? Are you sending donations ? I highly doubt it! You don’t care about any of those people nor the amount that are dying trying to cross because of Bidens and his administration. A farmer in Texas found 50 dead in a shed.
Trump didn’t try to over throw anything and you know it! Hey go watch the CNN special with trump, you’ll learn all about that.
And we are not a democracy remember!!!
2020 was the seen lowest illegal immigrant crossing in 45 years and day one Biden ruined that. You are so ignorant its absurd.

Trump and most Americans are getting tired. The Trump onslaught is only beginning. He looks tired. Time and time again the left wing media hides everything. Hides the truth. Hides the biden crime family. Anyone that goes thru what he has been thru would have been 6 ft under by now. I hope he can survive this onslaught. I hope our people can wake tf up and see thru the media lies. Even then my gut says it won't be enough. They're gonna cheat Trump out of 24, again. No doubt in my mind. The one world order is too important of an agenda, we're in alot of trouble going forward

The decision to admit individuals to the United States cannot be solely based on the efficiency of our processing systems. Such a myopic perspective is akin to allowing people onto a lifeboat without considering its capacity and limits. Instead, elected officials undertake rigorous assessments of resources, including housing, employment, education, healthcare, and security, to determine the optimal number of individuals that the nation can responsibly and sustainably accommodate.

The current scenario at the border lacks the fundamental elements of a genuine humanitarian initiative and, in fact, represents a senseless and potentially detrimental undertaking. Its ramifications could have far-reaching effects, impacting all parties involved.

Emily Davant Wiele so what skills are these none English speaks bringing that will qualify them for these none basic jobs? What management skills do you think they are bringing? How are they to hold legal jobs when they have no documentation due to being illegal? If they want jobs why don't they work at becoming citizens the legal way to show they can actually follow rules including the rules of the work place? If they broke rules and laws to get here so you really think they will follow the rest of our laws and such? If so please explain why

10ºLook, these people are desperate, and fleeing oppression. Do you really think they would be travelling from Venezuela, or wherever, for weeks on end, if their lives weren't at risk. And all they want is better lives for their families. Our country was built on accepting immigrants for these reasons. And most of our ancestors came here for the very same reasons. I know mine did. So what makes us all so special that we don't want them. We have the resources. And the only reason repubs don't want them here is because they know that one day most of these people will be future democrats and that's bad for business and their twisted backwards thinking agendas.
