Does Clearing Homeless Camps Just Extend the Crisis? - CNN One Thing - Podcast on CNN Audio

In Phoenix, a judge recently ordered a homeless encampment to be cleared after local residents sued the city for violating public nuisance laws. But does clearing homeless camps just extend the crisis?


Sharada Sheppard Taken from that article-

"Senate Republicans had initially been in favor of the additional funds, passing a standalone bill, Senate Bill 140, in a 24-0 vote. That bill, which contained $18 million in funding, was laid on the table after passage to clear the way for its inclusion in the budget."

Which begs the question on when Reps had agreed to the initial bill of 18 mil, why try to squeeze more into the bill? The problem works both ways. Both parties want to squeeze extra items into bills even when they're already ahead.

And again, don't care. Don't live in New Hampshire and not a Rep or Dem.

Phillip Horton yes us in Florida made it VERY clear where we stood on that and the blue states welcome them.They encouraged it.They feed them and put them up in hotels and leave the homeless there to fend for themselves.Totally on topic.We are not fixing a problem blue states caused while pandering for votes after we said that was a bad idea.Regardless you have border hoppers and homeless people and the border hoppers THEY asked for get better treatment over actual homeless American Citizens. Yes I'm in a red State and hope they get sent away.Time to figure it out lol
The homeless is everyone's problem the immigrants are not everyone's problem

Wait until they start getting 4 or 5 families together and buying up the houses once they are settled and get ahead.Thats how most of them do it.In the next 10 years watch a lot of neighborhoods be taken over and property values go down.Im not being racist that's just how they do it.5 lower class families=1 middle class family in 1 house.Once there are 5 cars in the driveway and crap all over the yards nobody will want to live in that neighborhood for what it could be worth.Once the values go down guess what? Another 4 or 5 families will move in each of those homes to.
A $350,000 home will turn into a $150,000 home if that happens and guess who you're neighbors will be?

Marie Rehbein
Why Are We Spending Millions Housing Illegal Migrants While Americans Go Homeless?

While December's winter storm saw U.S. citizens frozen to death in their cars and fallen street side in snowbanks, our migrant-obsessed legislators sent another screw you to the American people in the form of beefed up assistance for illegal immigrants. Year-round, millions of Americans are homeless or one paycheck away from being on the streets. Forty thousand veterans are homeless across the nation, and 40 percent of our homeless population is Black. So there is extra treachery in passing an omnibus spending bill that includes $800 million in grants to build shelters for foreigners and illegal aliens.

Theoretically, everyone deserves to have shelter and protection from the elements; yet it is not America's responsibility to house the world, particularly when our own homeless citizens have fought long and hard battles for access to clean and safe shelter.

It's time to call out the policies of President Biden, complicit legislators, and executives of so called "sanctuary cities" as the anti-American betrayal that they are.

According to economists at the University of Chicago, more than 500,000 Americans experience homelessness every day. But there are just over 300,000 beds for homeless Americans. That means just two out of three homeless people across the U.S. can find temporary housing; the remainder are literally unsheltered.

And yet, despite this crisis, homeless Americans are being displaced to house illegal migrants. Tensions flared last fall in New York City when homeless Black Americans were removed from their shelter to be replaced by illegal aliens. "I have no idea why we are being displaced for them. Why we are being moved and shuffled around?" One woman asked.

Alice Morriss
Why Are We Spending Millions Housing Illegal Migrants While Americans Go Homeless?

While December's winter storm saw U.S. citizens frozen to death in their cars and fallen street side in snowbanks, our migrant-obsessed legislators sent another screw you to the American people in the form of beefed up assistance for illegal immigrants. Year-round, millions of Americans are homeless or one paycheck away from being on the streets. Forty thousand veterans are homeless across the nation, and 40 percent of our homeless population is Black. So there is extra treachery in passing an omnibus spending bill that includes $800 million in grants to build shelters for foreigners and illegal

It's time to call out the policies

According to economists at the University of Chicago, more than 500,000 Americans experience homelessness every day. But there are just over 300,000 beds for homeless Americans. That means just two out of three homeless people across the U.S. can find temporary housing; the remainder are literally unsheltered.

And yet, despite this crisis, homeless Americans are being displaced to house illegal migrants. Tensions flared last fall in New York City when homeless Black Americans were removed from their shelter to be replaced by illegal aliens. "I have no idea why we are being displaced for them. Why we are being moved and shuffled around?
