IRS chief acknowledges Black taxpayers face higher probability of being audited

Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Daniel Werfel said the revelation has left the agency “deeply concerned.”


Cnn democrat left-wing supremicists already ran this propaganda post in cnn politics page yo incite controversy, hate and violence

LMAO @ cnn democrat media propaganders trolling society and marketing on race again to distract minds and steal focus from the “deeper concern” Hunter Joe Biden IRS fraud whistleblower case.

Cnn democrat media propaganders does this all the time when a suspected democrat crime surfaces, find something along the same topic to distract attention, steal focus and take off the heat

How does IRS know a person’s race?
I don’t think race is even on the 1040 Form.

If cnn so concerned about race and gender, why isn’t cnn covering LIVE TV in chicago right now on the fallen black female police officer SEA of BLUE ceremony like other tv networks????
Why is paparazzi on harry and abortion debate more important on cnn
