Elizabeth Holmes loses bid to avoid prison | CNN Business

Elizabeth Holmes’ last-minute bid to avoid prison was denied by an appellate court



Judge Davilla suggested she serve her time in Texas at a prison camp, I hope the Bureau of Prisons states that the continued delays necessitate she be housed in WV Federal Prison, the facility that Martha Stewart was imprisoned. This woman has shown no remorse for her actions no remorse for the people she defrauded, no remorse for a "scam" company that could have resulted in faulty medical blood testing, she has used her body image for publicity, whoa as me, to use being pregnant as a "white" woman that allowed her a special privilege to stay out of jail, she uses everyone as well as the media to promote herself as being just naive about how her company didn't produce the product, just over her pretty little head, it really was all my abusive boyfriend's fault, not innocent me, I just made a mistake, boo hoo. I am surprised she hasn't said she has "cancer" as shameful as that would be. Let's see what her next tricks are to stay out of prison, suicide attempt, mental health breakdown or will she become a fugitive at large. LOCK HER UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!
