Missouri attorney general drops controversial emergency rule that would have banned gender-affirming care for children and many adults | CNN

A controversial emergency rule to ban gender-affirming care for minors and most adults in the state of Missouri was withdrawn Tuesday by the attorney general who first proposed it, days after state lawmakers passed their own ban



I was born in 1977.
I'm Generation X.

As a child I made a very permanent and life-changing decision to be absolutely nothing like any of the abusive controlling adults I was surrounded by. And as a result I have always been on the opposing side of right-wing religion right wing military and right wing ideologies in general.

I am right now 45 years old and I am the exact same person I was at 10 to 12 years old. I understand most of you conservatives are not capable of understanding that reality because most of you conservatives went through some form of heavy indoctrination such as military service or religious indoctrination or some type of right-wing societal forced predicament...

But none of you need to be telling these children how to feel about their sexuality or their bodies and every single one of you conservative Americans that believe that belongs in the past and has no place in this worlds future.

I'm the exact same person I was at 10 years old, 35 years later, and have the exact same sexuality and have the exact same core beliefs about everything I did back then. Meaning that any sexual identity or decisions I would have expressed at 10 years old would still be exactly who I am. Duh. Der.

Leave the kids alone you control freak filth.

And furthermore I don't understand why you conservatives have to cry so loudly about other people's choices when if they want to get 10 surgeries in their life all 10 of those surgeries are their choices to make and not yours.

How is it any different if someone gets five tattoos and then later on in life gets all of them removed?? How is it any different when someone wants to change their gender or get plastic surgeries or change their physical being in any way shape or form that they choose?

All of you Christians who have marked your flesh purposely are just as condemned to the hell that you believe in, as any transgender person would ever be for their surgery. And if you don't believe that then you are just too purposefully ignorant, or believe that the rules of almighty God somehow don't apply to you, to have intelligent conversation with.

You people trying to control what other people do with their bodies are simply and poignantly the dumbest and weirdest humans alive.

Let them do whatever they want.
And go on with your lives not caring about trying to control their choices.

It's pathetic already. There is no God in the sky demanding that you judge gaze and if there was I'm pretty sure he had a son that specifically told you not to judge the gays..

Conservatives are only capable of existing the way they do because they all have the IQs of a mango....

For the record, any of you geriatric conservatives who never even saw colored photographs until you were in high school should probably keep your pathetic generational toxic conservative nonsense to yourself.

Because children nowadays would rather kill themselves than be anything like you people, and it doesn't matter how much trouble you are having accepting that, you need to accept it and go on with your pathetic and miserable lives.

As far as any American generation has ever been concerned, Boomers are the most disliked by far and your children Generation X hates you with a passion, and their children the Millennials hate you even more.

Boomers are by far the worst generation this country has ever produced and you toxic Boomers that cannot shut your toxic mouths on social media are nothing more than human filth that the rest of this world will be much better off without.

The only redeeming quality for you people about your attitudes is that your purposeful ignorance stops you all from realizing how many good people you are losing and how many empty seats there will be at your funerals.

Leave the gays alone you human filth.
Leave the Muslims alone you human filth.
Leave the Jews alone you human filth.
Leave the Science alone you human filth.

Everything wrong with humanity in one word..

That's why it's such an involved process before they even get to the point where they think about giving a minor puberty blockers, Marie. The same sort of puberty blockers they give cis minors in a way no one shrieked about until now. If over the two years or so they take them, they decide to want to keep going or not, they usually get further treatment.

A lot of people pretend it's like a flippant decision or that the parents are foisting a bunch of time, energy & bills driving back & forth to the doctor. Those weird outliers might exist but they're not the norm. You should really read up on these things before just taking right wing media's word for it.

Probably about another 80 million or so losers.

Instead of only using the internet to spread your conservative idiocy perhaps you should use the internet and go ask it how many Republican presidents have won the election while losing the popular vote.

The very day you wretched creatures no longer have the Electoral College to win your victories for you, you will never see another Republican American president.

The last Republican president to win his presidency through a popular vote was Ronald Reagan.

Because as the world gets smarter Humanity finds itself sprinting away from conservative ideologies that are all based on nothing but force, control, subjugation, and might makes right idiocy.

American conservatives are nothing but a toxic cancer on this landscape and you all belong in Mother Russia with the rest of humanities evil filth.

You know what they say about assumptions right Bobby? I'm also gen x an not a republican or a Christian I also was a democrat for 30yrs till I walked away from your sicko party. My brother was also gay and had been with his partner for over 30 yrs long before it was exceptable. As I said before you've got a lot of name calling an no facts. Why you not acknowledging the facts they are mutilating children and putting them on drugs that they have no long term scientific evidence that it doesn't have long term effects an why are they hiding the brain swelling an brain development of those on puberty blockers? Interesting you can't have a conversation without your name calling an yet to have provided any facts on your opinions?

Yeah I'm more on that DemSoc slant at least, Mark. The way Orwell & MLK both were. The Dems are center right at best. I know saying that will make you freak out, but it's an objective truth.

But hey, if 'Marxist' makes you get all weepy, let's go with that. And antifa is just something people do. Everyone should 'align' with being against fascism as it's a pretty miserable existence.

But it's not like there's a 'party I bow to,' not one of any significance. You'd know these things if you read up on them instead of just having a conniption fit at the mere mention, sport.


The fact that American Conservatives have vilified Antifa and Black Lives Matter when those groups were formed with the very same ideologies that took hold of America's military and stopped those Nazis in the first place...

When those groups were only formed after decades and decades of abuse and subjugation coming from right-wing conservatives all of the time..

It is what is known as historical allegorical evidence and currently in America the historical allegorical evidence points to the very obvious facts that American conservatives are acting more like Nazis than anybody ever has, other than the actual Nazis themselves..

And anybody that knows anything about Joseph Goebbels and historical factual evidence relating to the rise of the Nazis can point to about eleventeen allegorical similarities in between everything Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler did to vilify their political enemies.

And when Hitler had Joseph Goebbels as his propagandist machine Trump has had the likes of the right wing media going from Alex Jones to Tucker Carlson to Sean Hannity and all of the Fox News filth that has proven to the whole world nothing they ever said should have ever been believed in the very first place...

Democrats use children as guinea pigs.
Rueters: Across the United States, thousands of youths are lining up for gender-affirming care. But when families decide to take the medical route, they must make decisions about life-altering treatments that have little scientific evidence of their long-term safety and efficacy.

The National Institutes of Health, the U.S. government agency responsible for medical and public health research, told Reuters that “the evidence is limited on whether these treatments pose short- or long-term health risks for transgender and other gender-diverse adolescents.” The NIH has funded a comprehensive study to examine mental health and other outcomes for about 400 transgender youths treated at four U.S. chHi Colby, is this still available?ildren’s hospitals. However, long-term results are years away and may not address concerns such as fertility or cognitive development.


You are the sicko and the whole world knows it. You are the one obsessed with transgender politics when you obviously never read even a article on the fundamentals of political science in your lifetime.

And I don't even know how you can leave up 80% of what you have typed it is all so hypocritical and blathering and idiotic.

You're not an independent, and your opinions are openly right wing, toxic and pathetic.

You have swung wildly back and forth in your responses, and now you're calling me son and saying keep on debating, when I have been chewing up and spitting out low IQ conservatives like you for decades of my life for fun. This is not debate, just like you're not an independent voter.
