Motive of teenager who killed 3 in New Mexico neighborhood shooting is still unknown as police identify victims as elderly women | CNN

As investigators in Farmington, New Mexico, have yet to pin down what drove an 18-year-old gunman to shoot indiscriminately at residents, homes and cars on Monday


Jonny Hope I have no doubt that most gun owners are good, responsible, law abiding people....And good people have used guns for self defence, hunting & recreation. My issue isn't with them. I wish everyone in the US was in this demographic.

But what about the dangerous people? The people who are mentally unstable, the criminals you mentioned, the people who are volatile and could just snap at the drop of a hat? Or people who are not known to be crazy/volatile, who legally buy the guns and then go out and kill people? Like that kid in Uvalde, his firearms were legally purchased I think.

Wouldn't it be safer to do away with high capacity guns such as those used in mass shootings? I do get your point about illegal guns though. Criminals will never give those up.

You guys really have to come up with new non-relevant answers. They are getting monotonous. The g-u-n and the ease that people can buy them, and the dumb laws like in Florida and many other states, that allow no permit cconcealed carry. Also the lack of thorough background checks, being able to walk out of a 'gun show' with a weapon etc. etc. etc. .
The fact that you would even need to make the argument that it takes a human being to pull the trigger is just an indication of your complete lack of compassion and understanding, and, or, you connection to the NRA or employment in the gun manufacturing or retail industry.
But, please tell me, what is one good reason for anyone to own or operate an assault style, multi action weapon of any kind. They are killing machines, plain and simple. And remember, I said, 'good' reason.

Michael Mande Mashayahanya That's a slippery slope because criminals will never give there guns up . If I'm limited on the amount of rounds I can have but the criminal isn't , I can't call timeout in the middle of a gun fight so I can reload to try & continue to save mine or my family/friends life . How do I save my life or another's life when I'm obligated to only carry so many rounds but there's multiple attackers with multiple guns & there not worried about the law against high capacity magazines . Only the good people suffer from these types of laws , not the criminals .

Michael Mande Mashayahanya That could be possible but keep in mind , you can buy a firearm over the internet but you still have to pass a background check & wait 3 days ( if not a CCW holder ) before you can leave the store with said firearm . Of course you will always have those that do things the wrong way but you don't punish the majority over the wrongs of the minority . Criminals & those who are hell bent on doing harm will do so any way they can . You shouldn't leave the decent folk to be helpless victims by rushing to disarm them .

Hey black Americans, when are you going to wake up? The Democrat Party was the party of slave owners and slavery, and. when Republican #AbrahamLincoln tried to free the slaves it was the Democrat Party who fought to keep #slavery legal. It was the Democrat Party that invented the #KKK to terrorize the newly freed slaves. It was a Democratic party that created #JimCrow laws and prevented blacks from voting. It was a Democrat Party that created #segregation in the south. TODAY the Democrat Party uses the same slave tactics to keep black people poor in inner cities, living in ghettos and barely surviving on food stamps. But you keep voting for them! WHY? Democrats lie to black people about #Republicans being racist, and the reason they do that is the same reason that they invented the KKK, to strike fear into the hearts of black people to get them to vote for them. And what are Democrats doing today with illegal aliens? They give #illegalaliens free #healthcare and housing and free college while they leave black people to rot in #poverty in the inner cities. It's time for black people to WAKE UP. Many black people have already woken up and began the #BLEXIT movement, the BLack EXIT from the Democrat party. #DonaldTrump received more black votes on his second run in 2020 than he received on his first run because blacks saw that he was doing things for them that the #Democrats never did. It's time shake off Democrat hate and chains and do what's right, and vote for Republicans, the party that freed the slaves, and the party that creates good jobs so that you can have a good life, and does not stoke the fears of and hate of racism like the Democrats do. #VoteRed #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteRed2024
