Florida school system has closed investigation into teacher who showed Disney movie with gay character | CNN

However, Jenna Barbee said the Florida Department of Education’s inappropriate conduct investigation is ongoing.



Lore Urban the don't say gay law, the law that is essentially a don't say period law, preventing children from even knowing about periods, I could keep going, but I think those two are plenty discriminatory on their own. And I repeat, disneyworld happens to be in Florida. People aren't vacationing in Florida for its laws or quality of equality. They're vacationing because 50+ years ago Walt Disney decided to put a theme park there. They're vacationing for it natural beauty, like white sand beaches. Not because they like the state. The people who are choosing to move there all have their own reasons. But ones who do it for what they'd say are political reasons are just doing it cause they can't handle change or being called out on their bigotry.

Mark R. Graves <<<kool aid drinking fool. Blinded by propaganda and denial of truth. Going down on a sinking ship of hegemony, militaristic endeavour and international bullying who’s hiding behind a veil of democracy is slowly being exposed. Your military getting depleted, your dollar getting depleted, your morals gone, the spreading of your filth being rejected by country after country and all you can answer with is “protect gay rights” and “trans is great” and “drag queens for my infants development”. None of it conspiracy. Fact. You’re just in denial. Likely enjoy gargling the manseed goo too. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.


One can explain the merits of why showing movies like this is wrong. It only leads back to some Supreme Court rulings. So using Article 4, Section 4, the 10th Amendment, the Supreme Court affirming the First Amendment and a government prohibited action. One can ask if the anger over Roe v Wade was true? That people who don’t want children, are conspiring with people who can’t have children trying to reverse a Supreme Court ruling. Don’t need anger, instead I would like to talk about pre Germany 1929, and what got Germany to Nazi Germany. Flags, symbols, the total deterioration of society where a perspective was bigger than everyone else. Individual freedoms and liberties, the boundaries of government power, then this nonsense. Hey ACLU, are you taking bribes to remain silent? Are you taking hush money like parents took hush money when their kids were sexually abused? As a Generation X child and student, I lived the lawsuits you are corruptly ignoring.
