New Iowa law restricts gender identity education, bans books with sexual content

The law will restrict education about gender identity and sexual orientation and ban books with certain sexual content from school libraries, as well as require schools to notify parents if their child asks to use a new name or pronoun.


Bella BeanBella Bean Even some Atheist have read The Bible and can even quote scripture but they do so in ignorant because neither they nor you can fully understand what The Bible teaches and especially what passages of scripture mean in their proper context. So just because you have read The Bible means absolutely nothing in terms of your assumptions. The Bible is not like any other book. So therefore you can't understand The Bible apart from being a Christian and having The Holy Spirit indwelling inside you to help you understand what The Bible teaches. So you can read any book and if you don't understand what you read then you will come away with opinions and a flawed understanding of what is even being taught. If you had read The Bible you should have paid attention to passages like thus that show that nobody gets to Heaven because they are a good person . Being a good person has absolutely nothing to do with a person getting To Heaven. The Bible says There is none good but God no not one . So nobody is good according to God's standards. Our righteousness is but filthy rags in the sight of God. The Bible plainly states how a person is saved and that good works don't save you. Ephesians 2:8,9 ,shows this.

[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.

So nobody can say they got to Heaven on their own merits or by being a good person. Salvation doesn't work like that so see what I mean that just because you have read The Bible, it doesn't mean you understand it or even know how to properly apply scripture verses .

Bella Bean Nope its not opinion but fact. What you said was actually opinion... Yes you definitely need to hear The Gospel Message Of Jesus. You could die today for all you know and after that happens you have no more chance to make a choice. That's why you need to simply believe in your heart in Jesus death burial shed blood and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins and you will be saved and have eternal life with God. It's simple and cost you nothing. The Gospel is meant to be shared not kept within a closed circle.

Clyde Wanatee well people were minding their business but then people were trying to do things on the slide to other people's children and we had a government that literally sent FBI agents after parents and started investigating them because they were so upset at Town board and school meetings about homosexual and trans and sexual materials being put on small children that made it their business. I mean do you live in a vacuum or have you seen what's been going on US country over the past year or so. If you're going to throw it out there and throw it in people's face expect the same to happen to you. Seems a little bit like comment sense. Well at least to some people that have common sense I guess. Be blessed

Matthew Kaye So, you don't believe that LGBTQ people have a right to exist? Do you think everyone should fit into a mold of your world order? It's people like you that are causing the downfall of this country. You discriminate, demonize, and denigrate people like them, and then complain about how they complain about being victimized, and how the left is trying to indoctrinate them. This IS NOT indoctrination, you mindless loon. This is allowing people to live their lives in a way that makes them happy. And let me clue you in on something. This DOES NOT, in any way, shape, or form, affect your clueless, pathetic life. You will not be impacted by it. It won't ruin your marriage (provided someone actually deigned to marry you). People like you need to wake the f*** up and get a clue.

Sounds like reasonable common sense laws. It's a shame that we have to literally instill rules and guidelines for teachers who are habitual line steppers or have their own personal agenda with people's children instead of just teaching what the required to teach. It's a 100% within the parents right to know what a school is trying to push on their children if it's not the standard curriculum and if it's added to the curriculum then the parents should know about it so that they can choose to have their kids educated that way or move them to another school. Why this is considered weird or confrontational or some sort of right wing agenda is so creepy to me when the only creepy part is adults trying to pass sexual information to Children before their parents want them to know or understand that stuff or be exposed to it. We truly live in Bizarro world.

Matthew Kaye
You mean when traitor trump hired a Russian asset Manafort? Or when Manafort sold our election data to Russia? Or when traitor trump pardoned his Russian asset?
Or when a GOP operative funneled Russian money to trump’s campaign? Or when traitor trump fired the FBI director investigating the Russian interference in our election? Or when traitor trump celebrated firing the FBI director with Russian representatives in the Oval Office?
Finally, when our intelligence agencies told trump Russia interfered in the election but he refused to call Putin a liar and instead took his side?
It’s hard to choose which collusion.

Carrie O'Bier Well The Bible says Jesus is The Way The Truth and The life and no one comes to the Father but by Him. The Bible says The fool has said in his heart there is no God. It's no assumption that you should place your faith in Jesus death burial shed blood and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins. Sharing The Gospel Message Of Jesus that can save your soul is anything but selfish. It's an act of love to share The Gospel Message Of Jesus with those who are perishing . Being a Christian isn't about being religious or finding religion.

Carrie O'BierCarrie O'Bier There's only one Bible. No other books are anything like The Bible. Sure you have other books that came from man originated religions like The Book of Mormon, The Quran, The Catholic Bible and other text but none will offer you eternal life through faith in Jesus death burial shed blood and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins. None were inspired By God through The Holy Spirit and The Bible is the most sold book in The World. Also no other historical figure made the claims that Jesus did and none but Jesus took upon himself all the past present and future sins of The World and suffered died and shed His blood and arose again 3 days later .... Mohammed is dead and gone ,just a man ...Joseph Smith dead and gone killed by other Mormons . And all the other religions who's founders are dead and gone.

Bella Bean The Bible says all have fallen short of the glory of God so nobody is sinless. Even a Christian still willfully sins each day but we are forgiven and understand we needed a Savior to save us from the eternal penalty for our sins. Again you seem to think you're a good enough person but you will never meet God's standard of righteousness unless you become a Christian when that happens a person is given a new spirit and God's righteousness is imputed to them and therefore a person gains entrance to Heaven because of God's Righteousness in them not their own self righteousness. Christians don't ignore their own sin that's your assumption. A Christian realizes what sin is and why they need saving. A non Christian many think following a man made religion will save them but it will not. Religion is man made and man's attempt under their own power and limited understanding to gain favor with God and get to a better place when they die. Again being a Christian isn't about being religious or finding religion but with a personal relationship with Jesus as your Savior . So it's pointless for you to continue to argue with me. You must be born again to make it to Heaven you must in your heart not just an intellectual knowledge believe in Jesus death burial shed blood and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins . Again it's that simple so don't let your assumptions and pride keep you from God's Grace and free gift of Salvation through Jesus death burial shed blood and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins . Take care
