4 great white sharks detected in waters off New York and New Jersey ahead of Memorial Day | CNN

Travelers visiting New York or New Jersey beaches for Memorial Day might want to keep an eye out for some fishy friends.



Great whites are historically present off the North East coast- in 1865 the writer Henry David Thoreau detailed 'man-eating sharks', some 'fourteen feet long' in his book about Cape Cod. However, decades of seal killing in the 1900s mostly to defend fishing catches, deprived the sharks of a good food source and their numbers likely stayed very low.

A turning point was the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 that banned the killing of marine mammals nationally. Since then, populations of gray and harbor seals have rebounded dramatically, especially in the last 20 years or so, and have gone from a couple of hundred to around 50,000in Cape Cod, providing a huge food supply for predators. Combined with the 1997 laws protecting great white sharks, this has led to a massive population boom.

There has been a slight delay in seeing the effects of these changes as great whites as a shark species are relatively late in reaching reproductive age- sometimes not until into their 20s- but now in recent years they are thriving on the Cape, drawing both unease and fascination as they so often do.


Democratic party use a military forces to solve any problem in europe(They
become a lions) but they use a long political methodology to solve any conflict in Middle East (They
become a cats) .
While Republican party use a long political policy to solve in conflict in europe (They
become a cats). But they use a military forces to solve any problem in Middle East(They
become a lions) .
Why does this happen.
I do not know.
Kasinger said.
So the conclusion is that
The Democratic party is same of Republican party Strategically, But the difference in the place of implementation of strategy.
(Pain Brain designer)

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