Lizzo is teaching us about body neutrality. Here is what it means and how to get there

If body positivity is celebrating your body, body neutrality is not thinking about it much at all.


As a personal trainer, and nutritionist, this article is disgusting. Yes she can choose to live her life the way she lives it, and I'm glad she is exercising for her and not anybody else. However, with that being said, she needs to understand eventually the weight that she is currently at needs to come down some if she wants be able to live and function normally without complications of Health. With that also being said there is no such thing as body neutrality, there is being healthy, and unhealthy, and no matter if it's overweight, or underweight we need to educate the population on a healthy lifestyle and behavior changes that will benefit them and their body.

there are plenty of liars among prominent Democrats who knew that the damning Trump-Russia collusion narrative was all a hoax. But they chose to remain mum, preferring instead to watch contentedly as an American president was vilified nonstop by a media-driven orgy of lies. It consumed the nation for years and inflicted untold harm. None of them had the decency to volunteer the truth.
Obama and Biden knew all about Hillary’s treachery and so did others in their orbit who were secretly briefed, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey. This is corroborated by Brennan’s handwritten notes. For the next three years all of them remained silent about the CIA’s findings.

I am all for one being confident regardless of their body, and women (or men) can be beautiful human beings without being skinny, but obesity should never be celebrated or ignored, it's a health issue, sometimes tied to a mental disorder, if the best interest is in the health and longevity of the person, then it should be treated like any other health ailment. There are many, many issues, and costs to insurance premiums and governments stemming from preventable conditions from smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, obesity, etc. If you choose to smoke, stay fat, drink, let your teeth decay and fall out, that's on you, but don't tell everyone else it's all good, no worries.

There are these 4 people working at Bank of the West in HR…they are sitting around doing witchcraft on the 1 woman for Eminem toggle.They all sit around and pretend to be her at different ages that they’ve seen her.One of them is her at 12 and another at like 8..and then the one at 12 keeps getting mad and challenging her out of nowhere.They have known her and bothering her for Eminem since she was moved into this house that they gave her mom. If they got this idea from Rihanna or someone similar-it was from girl they do witchcraft on for their act. Rihanna’s “Quiet luxury “…girl was in her room laying on her queen bed thinking that some years ago and there was someone somewhere laughing and talking to her and poking her knees etc., like it was okay…The SAME woman.Her family says things like “Quiet Luxury “…. The ONLY things Rihanna and Beyoncé say or do in the presence of the public is from the girl’s THOUGHTS!! and Eminem’s act TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! The same little Black girl from London in the 1980s………They have people following her and don’t want her to get to know people or keep a job or anything.Whitchcraft assault and cruel and unusual punishment!!!Lizzo could be girl some day..EVERYthing we think about her!!!!

Adam Young Agreed!
There's a 1000lb (plus) sisters television show, but no 240 pound sisters (120lb each).

I have more than a few overweight people in my family, not not like those sisters or lizzo.

As an amateur bodybuilder/power lifter and veteran, weight control (and body composition) was very important. After I retired from the Navy, I did beef up a bit. I went from 215 to about 245. BF% up to 22%. Felt terrible at the heavier weight. Even though about eight pounds of that 30 were muscle it left meme sluggish and easily tired, My LDL cholesterol increased to 123 HDL to 55 and overall to 221. Moderate, but still not good. Triglycerides increased as well. Back, knees and ankles hurt mire than usual. Not happy.
I got back down to around 220. Dropped 25 pounds and added about 5 more pounds of muscle. Not bad for someone in their 50s (at that time). Now in my early 60s, still keeping it around that level. Blood work is good. Feeling better. Definitely not ready for a marathon ( never was my thing anyway), but pretty good for an old man.
Nothing wrong with having a pizza or ribs now and then, but not the whole pie or rack every day!
