Robert De Niro reacts to Al Pacino becoming a father again at 83

Robert De Niro sounds excited for his friend to be joining him in the senior dads club.


I wonder what these old geezers see in women young enough to be their great grandaughters. I wonder why they would not prefer the company of women closer to their own age. I wonder why they would even consider having babies at their advanced ages.

Both already have a brood of kids. Have they not noticed the world is overpopulated? I used to think they were smart. But now I have no respect for either one of them, I guess their egos are so over-sized that any attention, even negative attention, is welcome.

And on the other end are young. money-grubbing women apparently attracted to the bank accounts of these two over-the-hill actors who haven't made a decent movie in many years.

Tiffany Jones-Bolling I don’t know how bad it will be if he dies when she’s young, and the kid’s multi-millionaire mother and stepdad are telling her all about her biological father when she gets older, while she’s sitting in her room in their mansion surrounded by the best toys, video games, clothes, etc.
That is after she eats the best food and maybe supplements recommended by the best pediatrician whose care she’s under, and when she’s not at her private school where she’s getting the best education, and whenever she’s not at whatever activity she wants to do regardless of price, (soccer, gymnastics, different camps, etc), which they can take her to because they can afford it and they don’t have to be at work, or the nanny can take her.

Lots of kids out there with appropriately young, alcoholic, abusive parents who don’t provide adequate food, clothes, attention, love, etc.
