Apple may soon show off its biggest and riskiest new hardware product in years

It’s in a product category that is anything but a proven winner.


The iPhone Landline 16 Pro . I did a review on this phone and it will be the best one yet. Price: $83.00 Check it out on my YouTube Channel. Features: 1. Siri can detect/smell if you’re funky or not and warn you to take a quick bird shower. 2. Scan your belly for gas that’s lodged in your lower intestines and warn you before it releases. 3. Siri can monitor both men and women’s private hairs and tell them if they changed to the color Grey or not. (This was the biggest concern to most testers, that Apple hired before the release date)4. Comes with a toenail clipper that pops out of the SIM card door, with the poke of a sim eject tool. 5. The swipe and wipe feature of the phone, let’s you swipe directly to the virtual toilet paper app, you then, download the paper right on your phone and just wipe and then swipe up, to get rid of the brown wall paper, that’s on the home screen. Warning: Pieces of Corn might be forever embedded on your phone’s Home Screen. 6. The Apple Electric razor, is directly installed in the speaker holes on the left and right side of the bottom of the phone, for on the go easy shaving. *Note: You will have to download the Landline Pro Virtual Operator Assistant App from the App Store or iTunes, in order to make an outgoing call. There will be a standard plug and play, LandLine Station installed in all public places, buildings, malls, you name it. Customers will not be able to use the Landline Pro 16 in their vehicles, only at the Landline Substations. Other top secret features will be announced on the release date. July 32nd 2025.
