Republican lawmakers are making it harder for power companies to pivot away from coal. Their constituents may be paying the price | CNN

Republican legislators and state officials are making it harder for power companies to retire coal plants -- even when it makes clear economic sense to do so


Clean coal technologies? Can we identify those people so they can go to prison. Shouldn’t everyone who paid additional money for clean coal technology get our money back? The identity of such people will be protected, because they are a part of this Green Economy bull crap. The cleaner alternative natural gas is suppose to be dirtier and just as bad as coal. Coal stove versus gas stove, the byproducts that can be seen, felt, and smelled, versus a perspective. Give me 20 billion dollars and watch someone evoke the ozone layer for what happens next. Removing greenhouse gases and that clearly seen barrier of pollution is a bigger threat. That’s why water insecurity will happen before any notion of global warming flooding.
