About 100 letters containing a white powder were sent to public officials across Kansas, officials say

Preliminary tests on a small sample of the letters show “the substance is presumptively negative for common biological agents of concern,” the Kansas Bureau of Investigation said.



Kevin Ransom to be violent don’t you need to commit acts of violence? Your statement about Republicans can’t be statistically proven, but this is interesting from the article you posted…. And I agree with it. Anarchists don’t care who’s in power, they hate us all.

“With the rising trend in right-wing extremism, U.S. federal and local agencies need to shift some of their focus and intelligence resources to penetrating far-right networks and preventing future attacks. To be clear, the terms “right-wing extremists” and “left-wing extremists” do not correspond to political parties in the United States, such as Republicans or Democrats. Opinion polls in the United States show that most Republicans and Democrats loathe terrorism.”
