A search and rescue operation is underway for a submarine touring the wreckage of the Titanic | CNN

The US Coast Guard launched a search and rescue operation to locate a submarine that went missing during an expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic.



MOREHEAD CITY — Capt. Greg McCoy and the crew of the Sensation experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows Saturday night in the 65th annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament.In addition, the longtime captain noted he’s upset by what he calls the arbitrary nature of the Big Rock rules.
“The rule they are talking about is an IGFA rule, but this is not an IGFA tournament,” he said. “In an IGFA tournament, you can’t change anglers. This is a boat tournament. You can switch out anglers as many times as you want, and you can do a lot of other things you can’t do in an IGFA tournament, so why do they have that one rule from the IGFA?”
Bailey Gore was the angler of record for Sensation’s catch, but Bleau also spent time in the fighting chair, which broke during his turn late in the afternoon. The crew, including mate Darrin Cox, then put the rod in the rod holder and fought the marlin like a bluefin tuna, inching it up on a two-Sensation captain responds to Big Rock decision
The Morehead City-based boat had a 619.4-pound fish weighed in at 11:15 p.m. on the final day of fishing, but it was ultimately disqualified after it was determined it had been bitten by a shark or other marine animal...“You catch a fish like that on the last day in the last hour and go well into overtime, it was something else,” he said. “Then they started pulling those shenanigans, and I thought we were going to have a riot on our hands for a while.”
A massive and impatient crowd chanted “weigh that fish” and “what’s the weight” as Big Rock officials discussed the bites on the fish.
McCoy, like many others on social media, mentioned the discrepancy in disqualifying the Sensation catch and not Top Dog’s catch.
The Fenwick Island, Delaware boat made history at 8:20 p.m. on a Saturday night in 2019 when it weighed a record-breaking 914-pound fish. The monster blue was so big the crew couldn’t fit it through the fish door and as part of it dragged through the water and exhaust on the ride back and the flesh was torn off.
“I’ve seen fish come in that were way more mutilated than ours,” McCoy said. “Top Dog, a few years back, that fish was falling apart. It had some bites in it and was mangled by the boat, and they didn’t disqualify that fish. I know the rule, but I didn’t think that was going to be an issue. I was extremely confident it was going to be the winner.”
In addition, the longtime captain noted he’s upset by what he calls the arbitrary nature of the Big Rock rules.

Crimen de lesa Humanidad, ese es un nino cubano que esta el crecimiento, debe tener 6 o 7 anitos, comiendo un poco de arroz, y unas rueditas de pepinos. !! Que diferencia hay entre este inocente, de Cuba, y los tantos que ponen en la internet, la ONU, la UNICEF, y la FAO, de paises del Africa ?? y hay casos mas tristes !!, aun en los campos de Cuba, viviendo el bajareques miserables, sin agua potable, algunos sin luz electrica aun, descalzos, sucios, pero esos de Cuba, No los ponen los organismos Internacionales, que Deben velar por todo esto. Por que ? ,por que estos son de un pais izquierdista, tiranico, pero esta protegido por los directivos de todas esas organizaciones mundiales, que han ocupados esos puestos, y permitiendoselo las naciones democraticas libres, para que hagan propaganda y manipulen las Noticas. Es lamentable esa dura realidad, que todos esos organismos esten silentes ante esa realidad palapable, de estado fallido total, y que aun persisten en quere seguir, al costo que sea necesario, destruyendo mas ese pais. Culpables son los gobiernos libres, democraticos y justos que sabiendo esto, se quedan callados, politizando todas las cosas, pero a su favor. Basta ya de dejar pasar estos crimenes !!, Deben saberlo todos, la dura realidad que viven esos inocentes de Cuba, que tambien merecen que se les defiendan y cuiden.. Alertamos a todos los organismos de Derechos a averiguar cual es esa dura realidad que vive hoy el pueblo cubano, en su mayoria, y han estado callados y sin exigir !! ESTO ES DESCRIBIENDO UNA FOTO DE UN INOCENTE CUBANO COMIENDOSE ESO DE ALMUERZO
