Severe storms and record-breaking heat is possible in parts of the South today as hundreds of thousands are without power | CNN

The National Weather Service is advising residents to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, drink plenty of water and not leave children or pets in vehicles.


John Lesch wow unbelievable how gullible you are.. do you believe every word the propoganda network tells you? Do you believe every work trump tells you? Trump was charged for not returning all top secret nuclear documents and lieing about it. Pense and biden returned them after they were discovered. Trump by his own admission said he owned those document and could do whatever he wanted to do with them.. so I guess you love traitors since to trump if he wanted to he could sell it to the highest bidder and give the enemy America's top secrets.. no wonder America if falling apart.. ppl believe conman trump.

America >> Subject -- Out Of Order /// Changing the Truth into a Lie > Romans 1 : 25 ,,, You will Respect the Weather ,, The Storm comes in Many Forms -- Rain Water / Floods ,, High Heat 120 ,, Hail / Hell ,, EF4s Tornadoes ,, Read this Devils ,, John 12 :31 , Yea ,, Isaiah 13 : 11 and 35 :4 ,,, Romans 12 :19 { Deuteronomy 7 : 22- 22 } Punish the Wicked >>> John 14 : 13 , 14 .. Thank You -- YHWH ,, N0.4 ,,, The True God of all Gods !!!!


Notice to all of these open borders advocates – Take down your fences, unlock your doors and just let uninvited, unauthorized foreign intruders to come into your house and onto your property – And while you’re at it you can pay their bills as well – Good luck hypocrites.

The American People deserve to know exactly how many illegals are living in our country and especially how many are receiving any type benefits that are funded by US citizen's tax dollars – This is The United States of America, it's our country and being a US Citizen is absolutely relevant – What the American People clearly want and need are more elected officials that will actually start putting the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, and that includes appointing judges and others that will do the same.

The entire premise of these so-called "sanctuary cities and states" is absurd and random diversity immigration lotteries, unlimited chain migration and the continuous flood of uninvited unauthorized foreign intruders are ridiculous.

Here in New Jersey our clueless governor Phil Murphy is totally out of touch with the American people – Millions of income-tax-paying American US Citizens are overburdened by higher education loans for themselves or their children, healthcare costs that they cannot afford and stagnant wages – Yet, Murphy is granting non-citizen illegal aliens and their children access to income-tax-payer funded college aide subsidies.

If they have funds available to subsidize these non-citizen uninvited unauthorized foreign intruders and their children, it should instead be going towards our own income-tax-paying US Citizens instead.

It's pretty ironic – If walls don't do anything – Why are there walls and fences around prisons, zoos, forts, rich celebrity's homes, politician's homes, judge's homes, the Vatican, barriers around protester's self-declared autonomous zones and now around the Capital building in Washington DC? – Humm – Evidently, physical barriers do work in conjunction with other high-tech security measures and personnel.

If we don't have the funds to build the wall along our own southern border – Then let's stop sending American tax-payer funded financial aid to foreign countries, stop financial aid to illegal aliens, stop importing cheap labor, stop allowing and enabling US jobs and industries to be outsourced to foreign countries and do not import foreign fuel, steel nor electronics used in our military weapons, national defense systems and power grids – Build the wall and guard the border using our drone and satellite surveillance systems to find and turn back unauthorized intruders – Also, hire our veterans and former law enforcement officers to monitor and minimize visa over stays.

NEWS FLASH MEDIA PROPAGANDISTS and GLOBALIST ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIANS – Our leaders are supposed to be elected by the citizens of the United States of America to represent the interests of those citizens and the country itself – They are not supposed to be representing Wall Street, lobbyist, international corporations, the globalist-free-marketeers (WTO, NAFTA, TPP, KORUS, NWO), foreign citizens, foreign interests or illegal aliens – And it’s about time that all of our so called leaders start honoring that fact.

One thing that became obvious during and after the last two presidential elections, is that establishment puppet politicians, the corrupt manipulative media and their globalist masters just consider the American people to be collateral damage in their game of globalization and cheap wages.

Wanting trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, especially our veterans is not racist, fascist, or socialist – It's common sense, if you're a US CITIZEN of any race, creed, or gender.

Wake up America – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured.

Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting our own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

We finally had a president that was doing something about our traitorous trade and immigration policies – But the corrupt manipulative media, establishment puppet politicians and their masters blatantly fought the American People tooth and nail every step of the way.

Joe Biden is not just totally compromised and corrupt, but incompetent as well – It's about time that America starts holding globalist establishment puppet politicians and the corrupt manipulative media accountable.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.

Let's face it, China fought a trade war using a biological weapon, the corrupt manipulative US media and puppet politicians.

So, now mandating Vaccination ID is okay, but US CITIZEN'S having to provide legitimate VOTER ID is somehow racist – In what kind of bizarro alternate universe does that made any sense whatsoever?

Only US Citizens should be voting in our country’s elections – Not uninvited foreign intruders (illegal aliens), incarcerated criminals, dead people, system hackers or foreign governments – There is nothing racist, fascist or socialistic about US Citizens having to have verifiable Voter ID to be able to vote in our country’s elections – It's just common sense, if you're a US CITIZEN of any race, creed, or gender.

Our troops should never have been deployed to the Capital Building just to perpetuate our corrupt puppet politicians false optics of an insurrection – Instead, they should have been deployed to our border were they were actually needed.

That farce of an election was investigated and numerous cases of fraud, manipulation and unverifiable results discovered, but no court was even willing to hear the truth.

Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easily access to all from our Mexican border.

It's about time that America starts holding globalist establishment puppet politicians and the corrupt manipulative media accountable.


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY TRUMP WON and WE ALL KNOW IT Even most actual Biden voters with any common sense whatsoever

China Joe Biden is a Corrupt Fraudulent President and Fraudulent VP Kamala Harris is a clueless corrupt condescending clown.
