After Roe: Navigating the Legal Landscape of New Abortion Laws - The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Podcast on CNN Audio

The overturning of Roe v. Wade brought uncertainty for reproductive rights. On The Assignment, Audie Cornish checks in on the activists defending women who are being criminally prosecuted in states and counties that restrict abortion.


Martin, the SCOTUS didn't say it was about regulation, they specifically said it was a STATE'S RIGHTS issue, thus, a NEW US law was established BY that ruling, giving states a new right not already granted them by the text of the Constitution/Bill of Rights.
The conservative members of the SCOTUS ignored the reality that states cannot have abortions, but biological individuals can, which logically means that a Woman's Right to Choose is definitely protected as an individual, unenumerated right under the Ninth Amendment, and that it is not a state's right. How could it be since states cannot have abortions?

Kevin, that would seem to more accurately describe your attempt to avoid the use of Constitutional facts to try and debunk what I said. How am I wrong, precisely? Where are the words "right to life for the unborn" found in the Constitution or the Preamble? I cannot find them anywhere, just like the conservatives among the SCOTUS did not find the word "abortion. Conservatives cannot have it both ways. They cannot say "abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution" and then cheer when the SCOTUS CREATES NEW LAW that allows states to regulate abortion when THAT is not a right granted in the Constitution to the states. That position is INCONSISTENT.

Allen, where are the words "right to life for the unborn" found in the Constitution or the Preamble? I cannot find them anywhere, just like the conservatives among the SCOTUS did not find the word "abortion. Conservatives cannot have it both ways. They cannot say "abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution" and then cheer when the SCOTUS CREATES NEW LAW that allows states to regulate abortion when THAT is not a right granted in the Constitution to the states. That position is INCONSISTENT.
The SCOTUS should have sent the entire issue to Congress for clarification in new legislation and ordered Congress to thoroughly define the terms being used in that legislation, not make new law out of thin air.

Rapists (Brett Kavanaugh maybe?) will now be able to ask for a death sentence for their victims (if seeking an abortion).

The Catholic church (Amy Barrett) is against abortion because it needs pedophiles (and the destitute children whom go with them, of course).

Right-wingers are banning abortion to have so called “welfare queens” as scapegoats to be blamed for all social problems.

Being anti-abortionist is being a hostage taker of the worst kind. Hostage takers (most of the U.S. Supreme Court) should be put in jail.

Giving birth is like taking a child hostage; abortion right is important so that women don't become hostages of their little hostages.

Ben Schlabs the settlers in America didn't have a problem with it. Fairly common practice back then. Abortion and the how to was written up in medical papers at that time.

Wasn't until around the mid 1800s when people were immigrating to the US that people wanted to force women in America to birth American babies.

"Contemplating the colonization of the West and South in 1868, famous anti-abortion campaigner Dr. Horatio R. Storer asked if these frontiers would be “be filled by our own children or by those of aliens? This is a question our women must answer; upon their loins depends the future destiny of the nation.”

Abortion law was based on the bigotry of the 1800s.

You’re pro abortion or pro life. Stop trying to clean it up with disingenuous terminology.

What about men who have to pay child support for the decision of the mother that he has no say in?

Women used to want equality, independence, my body my choice. Then if you choose to have a baby instead of aborting it, you should use your freedom and independence as a woman to roar all the way to court to file papers that state you will raise the child you chose to have all on your own as a single woman until you get serious and get married without any emotional or financial input from the biological father you robbed of his involvement in the decision. And let’s face it, ladies. You weren’t going to let him be involved in the child’s life beyond that monthly payment you fought so hard for and will continue to drag him into court over for the next 18 years.

But men are the toxic ones.
