The family of Irvo Otieno is requesting a federal investigation into his death at a Virginia mental health facility | CNN

The family of Irvo Otieno – who died in March while being admitted to a Virginia mental health facility – is asking the Department of Justice for a federal investigation into his death


It's the same problem it's always been in the Police Departments all over this country? Mostly lower class, low educated white men who were to fking dumb or lazy for College so they settle for a job with Life Long benefits and a Pension and bring their lower class bias and Racism on to the force with them to supposedly project and serve! Most don't live no where near the Urban areas they patrol and so much for building a relationship with the Police! Most Police officers go their whole careers without facing any real Drama! The police was formed to protect the interest of white males! Any opposition to the Police is a Declaration of War from most white folk! The police is white folks security force and nobody else's!
