The three-year cruise is going ahead -- with a bigger ship | CNN

It sounded like a travel lover’s dream: a three year cruise around the globe, for what appeared to be a relatively affordable price. But that dream appeared to morph into a nightmare in May.


The SOLAS guidelines for ship service, inspection and repair recommendations indicate that there should be 2 dry docking every five years.
I’m wondering how ripe and in need of service this ship would be at the end of 3 years.

What kind of regular maintenance will it receive or require? At what frequency will crew be rotated or replaced? How often, and for how long will replenishment of food and fuel take.
Has the cost of the ticket factored in potential inflation of food, drink and fuel?

I’d worked at a shipyard that serviced large cruise ships between their Alaskan and Mexican seasons.

You couldn’t pay me to take a cruise on those, and they were nicer than most.
The attorneys general in court filings accuse the Biden administration of "the most egregious violations of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America" through its communications with companies including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana said in the injunction Tuesday the attorneys general "have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content." Doughty said the evidence produced thus far depicts an "almost dystopian" scenario.
"This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech," he said. "American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country." United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth," Doughty wrote.

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