More counties are offering opioid addiction treatments in jails, but change is slow | CNN

People with drug addictions fill U.S. jails and are often left to endure withdrawal in concrete cells rather than in medical facilities. That’s especially true in Alabama, which has some of the toughest drug laws in the country.


Debra Gilstrap Willmon I have lived in bad places, and do have many family members and friends in LE, and a large part of the violent robber population, also happens to be addicted, or in the process of becoming one.

True, some can’t even stand right at this point because they have destroyed their bodies to the point of no return. But the young ones will rob/kill you on a dime if given the chance.

The numbers don’t tell the whole story, you have to live around these people to know what they are capable of doing for drugs. They belong in jail.
