Who is Ken, really? The history of the world’s most misunderstood doll | CNN

Delve into the history of Barbie’s male counterpart, from his origins as Kenneth Carson to his tumultuous breakup with Barbie in the mid-2000s to his rebirth, via Ryan Gosling, on the big screen



Danny Smith Democrat voters love the shiny objects that Dems dangle in front of them. Trumps going to jail since Trump came down escalator, reparations, student Loan forgiveness. Dems have been doing the same play since I was young. This time, they hooked their supporters with those $1200 checks, and know that they can gaslight for next ten yrs. The questions Dems should ask themselves; What are you getting for the Democrat vote? Biden has given us high inflation, lower wages to the cost of inflation, more crime, no border protection, poor education. Hate Trump bc the Dems tell you to if you want. We didn’t have these problems under Trump

Joanne Edwards Hello Cutie,
How are you doing over there, I hope all is well and fine with you. My dear you have a very gorgeous smile, If kisses were water i
would give you the ocean right now. If i may ask whom did you get your lovely smile
from, Mom or Dad? You are so gorgeous honestly i don't know the best words to use
in describing your incredibly good looks and your profile is quite interesting too.
from the bottom of my heart i would love to be your very good friend, someone you
can talk to and get to know each other very well and better, can you add me up so I can get InTouch with you, waiting to hear from you. Thanks and God bless

Trump can be indicted by Biden’s DOJ multiple times; meanwhile, Biden can brag about having people investigating his son’s business partner fired and he and his son Hunter accepting millions in bribe money from Ukraine, Russia and Romania with no consequences. Black people refuse to support Trump bc Democrats say he’s a racist, while Biden has a known history of racism, telling black people, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”. Biden has failed all Americans on every issue; The economy, crime, education, inflation, the border, foreign affairs. They are scared to death of Trump and want to lock him up bc they know his policies worked to protect the people in this country. Hate Trump if you want, but we were safer and we could afford to put gas in our cars and pay less for food.
