Special counsel charges third defendant in Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case

JUST IN: The special counsel has charged a third defendant in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case against Donald Trump.



He’s a crook. Was one before the WH, in the WH and still is. He does not want to be President again. Never did. He thought running would keep them from prosecuting him. He plans, if he gets elected, to stop the investigation and prosecution of his crimes or to pardon himself. He also is running because it’s a backhanded way of making money for his legal fees and to put in his pocket. He is a con and grifter at the highest level. Those who support him and cover up for him are corrupt minded like him or simply will ignore anything he does wrong because he vindicates their racist predilections and other isms. He figured you out a long time ago and exploited these weaknesses. To be clear, people who support Trump are neither patriots, pro law enforcement or pro democracy or constitution. They care nothing about this country. They care about their insecurities and feeding their hate and corrupt mindedness. If you support Trump and don’t see yourself this way, understand that this is precisely how Trump sees you. And why he is confident to do and say what he does. As he said, he could shoot someone down in the middle of the street and you would still support him. If you are good with that, do you. If you would not be good with that, take a few days and consider what the heck you are doing supporting this man. It’s okay to change.

What a farce! These top secret classified documents are threatening the republic? Did Trump try to profit from their sale? Maybe the Democrats should use the Russian ruse again. It’s the first time I have ever heard of such documents stored on the stage of an ageinh resort in cardboard boxes. What ccc ii of possibly be the motive for Trump steal such illuminating text and then hide them in such a public place. When will the Democrats let Trump self destruct instead of trying to be his foil. I am still waiting on the tax returns, plans for a billion dollar Trump Moscow Hotel, Trumps masterminding the loss of the Clinton election even as liberals declared him illiterate and with the mental power. If a third grader. The Democrats had to dig deep but they found a way to frolic in the political mud wrestling that has made even Trump sympathetic instead of just pathetic .

Jeff Broussard do you ask conservative media followers if they're really all that interested in bud light, Jason Aldean and acting like everything is going so horribly when the economy is doing great and unemployment is as low as it's pretty much ever been?
All the news about trump is pretty relevant as it is unprecedented to have a president who broke so many laws and then admit to it all on TV. Why doesn't right wing media report on that as new info comes out? This is the stuff that will be in the history books. The other stuff I mentioned will be historically recorded at some place like Ripley's believe it or not as totally laughable moments in history.

Leaked phone conversations show VP Joe
Biden leveraging a $1 billion loan for the
removal of Ukraine's prosecutor general.
Ukraine's President Poroshenko admits to
firing the prosecutor, who was investigating
Hunter Biden's Burisma Holdings, without
any corruption charges against him.
Biden: "Tell me that there is a new
government and a new prosecutor general.
I am prepared to do a public signing of the
commitment for the billion dollars."
Poroshenko: "Despite the fact that we didn't
have any corruption charges, we don't have
any information about him doing something
wrong, I asked him to resign.Just take this Pfizer poison jab.
It's safe...
It'll harden in your veins..
We're trying to reduce the world population.
Too many of you suckers...

Jay McIntosh what about you fools who support a corrupted president that is NOW in the White House. Why they going so hard after Trump? They are so scared shitless of him they need to stop him and will stop at nothing to do so.
Every time something big about Biden and his son come out, the attorney General's come out with yet ANOTHER CHARGE. And there ya have more constant coverage of Trump, Trump, Trump and crickets on what's happening with Biden..
This is pure political hit job from biden's DOJ. They are going to get up so many indictments that he's going to be so occupied with his court hearings that he won't be able to do campaigns. And you can't see that? Wtf is wrong with you people..So if a republican other then Trump wins the primaries what will you democrats and liberals ever do. They will not have anything to talk about ..

Jan Todd oh please , did you watch the hearing with Christopher Wray? He wouldn't answer the republicans when asked how many federal agents he had mixed within that crowd. He said he didn't have the numbers..wtf? Stop believing what you see on the lame stream media. They're not telling you everything. Everything Wray was asked he either couldn't talk about it because it was "Under investigation" or he "didn't know about it" or he "Couldn't comment on it" or "He didn't have the numbers" . He's the FBI director for christ sakes. If he doesn't know what's happening in his department don't you think he should leave?