Colorado River Basin has lost 10 trillion gallons due to warming temps, enough water to fill Lake Mead, study shows | CNN

Rising temperatures have sucked more than 10 trillion gallons of water out of the Colorado River Basin between 2000 and 2021 – a volume about the size of Lake Mead – according to a recent study.


Kerri Mueller as a independent voter I agree if parties are violating the people and abusing the power they should be exposed and voted out. But all that I have brought up has been enforced such as their price gouging. Allowing a virus to spread. We seen the same Acts with the same Republicans as we did in the Bush era. This Time by far much worse. We need a complete Wipeout from the corrupted old school. We need to get our heads together march to Washington and demand every politician be banned from being involved along with their spouses from being able to be involved in the stocks. Grounds for immediate removal and prosecution if they're caught. We need to get all government off of pensions and put them on social security and Medicare that way you better believe social security will never be threatened and get a cost of living increase. Interest alone as they are already collecting off of our social security could probably pay for Medicare for all for free. We the people have been too relaxed that's why they have become so out of order with contempt that they deliberately projected insurrection to continue to overpower and screw us over. And I don't care what part of they are this type of BS should never be tolerated

Tim Parkhurst except it’s true and has nothing to do with Q’Anon and it happens in western AZ. Your friend is wrong and obviously doesn’t know as much as she says.

Also cnn leaves A lot of info out of this story. Like the part that 80% of California’s rain water and snow melt flows into the Pacific Ocean and has been like that for decades. Why? Easier to take water from the Colorado instead of fixing the problem. How much water can that put back In The Colorado River? There went the Q’Anon comment out the door. The story of Water and the Saudi’s has been all over local AZ news and all big media news across the country.

BS it’s been sold to the highest bidder. This is summer, it’s supposed to be hot, stop playing with the weather and we would be fine. You should report on geoengineering or better known as weather modification via Chemtrails. You should report on the metals that are in it and what they are causing us health wise like Alzheimer’s, Autism and respiratory problems. You should report on how if you scrape the dust on your hood into a pile, you can pick it up with a magnet. You should report on how we are being depopulated by our own government through vaccines, air, water and food, it’s not like any of you reporters are exempt from the effects of chemical spraying, what the hell is matter with you all, have you been bought?

No one trusts cNN
No one believes cNN

If cNN was truly concerned then they be bashing the source: airlines in america , 50,000+ flights ️ daily injecting trillions of tons of fossil fuel gases ️ directly into earth’s atmosphere.

Just like FAKE CNN about the border illegals, they quick to market a story about border illegal death in country but again not getting to the source and stopping the illegals and drugs coming into Panama canal chock point.

Cnn don’t want solutuons, they want crisis = more stories = more money profits on fake news marketing

Rick Berchtold ahh I see. you have no evidence so your advice is that I somehow learn to live with no electricity or heat, instead of the world seeking less damaging ways to do so? My people, indigenous north Americans were forced to exist within this economy and energy structure against our will. And our old way of life can't happen anymore because you stole all of our land to extract resources from it. So my suggestion is that you take a double look in the mirror and contemplate a return to Europe, so that I can disconnect my utilities. Mi'iw.

How about the fact that four times the population is drawing on that water source since 2000. Also keep in mind water doesn't disappear. It simply evaporates and shows up somewhere else. Every Speck of water that has ever existed still exists. As temperature rises we can expect more evaporation and more rain.

It is a man-made Reservoir and was never meant to be there. It's supposed to be just a river Meandering through. They built the dam and created a reservoir and now the population has exploded to the point to where the reservoir created decades and decades ago is no longer a sufficient.

Just another piece of infrastructure that has not been upgraded that is no longer meeting the demand of the population increase.

TammieChristine Wyatt Geological History, where Ice Ages last 50 to 100,000 years, does not transition at a rate of 0.18°C per decade. The last Ice Age ended 11,700 years ago, when the earth was 4°C cooler. 11,700 ÷ 10 = 1,170 Decades. If this rate of Climate Change were normal, we'd have heated up 210.6°C since the end of the last Ice Age. We haven't, because the situation has only gone exponential recently. It is the speed of change that is different. This is the cycle of which you speak of on Rocket Fuel. Sure, its a cycle, but with artificial inducement, like an athlete cheating on steroids.

Well considering that the Colorado River was formed after the Grand Canyon was formed and that it flows uphill at 4000 miles which substantially hinders it's water flow, it was bound to start to dry up as the Red River of the South is doing, and as Lake Agassiz did. The Colorado River is a leftover natural ditch with some water after the formation of the Grand Canyon. It's been drying up for thousands of years. When a river flows uphill from 3000 to 7000 miles it's bound to slow and dry up eventually. It also means it can come back. It's been slowly drying up long before white people came to the US.

Science Newsfrom research organizations
Tree rings reveal nightmare droughts in Western U.S.
May 1, 2014
Brigham Young University
Scientists extended Utah's climate record back to 1429 using tree rings. They found Utah's climate has seen extreme droughts, including one that lasted 16 years. If history is repeated in the rapidly growing Western states, the water supply would run out based on current consumption.

If you think the 1930s drought that caused The Dust Bowl was rough, new research looking at tree rings in the Rocky Mountains has news for you: Things can get much worse in the West.

In fact the worst drought of this century barely makes the top 10 of a study that extended Utah's climate record back to the year 1429.

With sandpaper and microscopes, Brigham Young University professor Matthew Bekker analyzed rings from drought-sensitive tree species. He found several types of scenarios that could make life uncomfortable in what is now the nation's third-fastest-growing state:

Long droughts: The year 1703 kicked off 16 years in a row with below average stream flow.
Intense droughts: The Weber River flowed at just 13 percent of normal in 1580 and dropped below 20 percent in three other periods.
Consecutive worst-case scenarios: The most severe drought in the record began in 1492, and four of the five worst droughts all happened during Christopher Columbus' lifetime.
"We're conservatively estimating the severity of these droughts that hit before the modern record, and we still see some that are kind of scary

10ºNiigaanose Kwe
All Chinese, India, and Russian co2 emissions stay in their producing countries.
You bet.

Are you a believer, a person of conviction?
If so, we shall see.
You'll need to do the following, and quickly.
(1) Locate your main electrical panel in your home.
Open the panel door and locate the main breaker typically labeled "Main".
Turn the switch on the breaker to the "Off" position.
(2) If your home has gas appliances or a gas furnace locate your gas meter outside your dwelling. You will find a valve on the entering gas line. Turn this value 90° to the "Off" position. If you have a Propane tank on your property locate a valve on top of the tank (typically under a protective lid). Turn this valve clockwise to the "closed" position.
(3) If you are in possession of any motorized vehicle (including hybrid or electric) take the keys of such vehicles and destroy them.
