Could Donald Trump serve as president if convicted? | CNN Politics

In short, yes.


David Euser Love how you guys deflect to Biden with no proof. Keep thinking they are in the same level of crimes. Do me a favor read the indictment because I know you have not yet. He is charged with 78 crimes buddy. The last 4 are the worst. He lied to the American public that the election was stolen when everyone in his orbit told him he lost. Again, read the indictment. Trump is a skinned thin failure of a president. All he needed to do was to transfer power peacefully and none of this would have happen. Oh, he also did not have to steal secret documents and show them off to people. Oh yes, he did not have to find fake electors also.

Do you see where I am going with this??? He is a criminal.

Dainares Santos Dude, Donald Trump thinks that planes flew in the revolutionary war, and he had time to think about that as he typed it. If you can deal with that and still be on your knees for Trump, then I really have no concern regarding what you think of Biden’s gaffes.

And my dad died with dementia. I guarantee you that he did not have the ability to speak in front of the world on a daily basis, ride bikes, jog, pass historic legislation, and most of all, he would not have had the ability to bring his enemies to a standing ovation like Biden did at the SOTU. It was a political masterpiece.

Joe Biden is admired around the world. Trump is just feared.

Lisa Dee
Even if it was stolen, which to be very clear, it wasn’t, mobilizing a mob and pressuring the vice president to break the law would still be wrong. Very very wrong. Morally and ethically wrong.

And we know it wasn’t stolen, because Trump and his allies haven’t presented any evidence, in or out of court, and it’s been over two years! His own attorney general said it was the most secure election in history! His own daughter agrees with that assessment!

To get right back to basics, belief is what we think is true, knowledge is belief that has been verified through evidence. We know the election was free and fair, due to all the recounts (against paper ballots), some of which were run by Republicans and even one was run by a private firm run by a MAGA supporting CEO. We know they were free and fair because of the lack of evidence that they weren’t.

I have to ask, do you actually believe in the concept of knowledge? Do you believe it is possible to know things?

The only way this criminal wins , is if every voter not them stays home. Are you all going to stay home people? Vote ........everything we are is on the line if the criminal is returned to the scene of his crimes. Everything..... Vote one thing that would remain under Biden is your freedom to choose your leader , your democracy , rule of law, our constitution. Trump wants to destroy that. So does his party because they have decided the majority people don't vote for them. They don't want our liberal constitution, our liberal laws, our fair and free elections or the courts holding them accountable. They don't want truth or science. they call us woke. They want illiberal authoritarianism and a strong man to bend and break us

Janice Jones Who was hurt? oh are you talking about when all the politicians were giving passes to all the crime and destruction from 2020? Do you know how many people were KILLED during those? How many were killed during the Jan 6 RIOT?
Maybe you need to read the 1st Amendment before speaking.
You don't really care about violence or who gets hurt. Because you should have been outraged at every dem that condoned those 2020 riots. Especially Kamel toe when bailing out those criminals in Minnesota. Or Gov Tony Evers in Wisconsin. When Kenosha begged for the national guard and didn't get them. HE LET THAT CITY BE DESTROYED! SO WHEN YOU SHOW SOME OUTRAGE FOR ALL THOSE THAT LOST SO MUCH, COME TALK TO ME ABOUT JAN 6TH. AGAIN, HOW MANY GOT KILLED?

Seriously?..If felons in some states are not allowed to vote how the hell does that look for America?…A convicted felon leading a nuclear powered nation of hypocrites..And the greatest liar in history..In God we Trust ,America ?..If you actually read that holy book Trump waved in our faces,apparently he did not read Proverbs chapter 6 verse 17 and found out that God hates liars and who got fired very fast?..Correct..Who sent an invisible plague that cut short the lives of over one million citizens?…Correct..That God is not mocked mortals..If we put our trust in God..And I am not a preacher,pastor or priest..but did read that holy book..

Evan Grondski, yes, according to the same system that killed over 500,000 Iraqi men, women, and children based on lies about WMD’s, that has pushed six years of fake news nonsense stories about Russia collusion and Ukrainian hoaxes, that called the racist and divisive Jussie Smollett a modern day civil rights leader, that claimed the word “Hope” stapled to a stick was an economic strategy, and pushed an elderly lifetime Washington insider as the fresh face of change and progressive ideas must be telling the truth this time. Yes, el eder ly and incoherent old man Joe Biden received the most votes in US history. In fact old Joe supposedly received 15,236,000 more votes than even Obama.

CNN seriously STOP!
Have you learned nothing?
You are encouraging his base!
And you are having Independents really question the DOJ under this administration!
When they see that the DOJ was giving Hunter special privileges with that deal..FUTURE immunity for POSSIBLE FARA violations, that's pretty scary! And the only reason we know about this is because of the Judge asking questions!
When you have 2 IRS whistleblowers, one that voted for Biden, come out with all that illegal stuff, independents see that!
Trumpy is a bad dude ( like corn pop, lol) But all this only helps him!
and the polls right now are neck and neck! That alone is pretty crazy!

Johnny Deerey Biden's daughter just admitted that is her diary, and she said dad took showers with her and it was ... blah blah blah. What the heck is wrong with the people at CNN? I wonder if Joe took showers with Hunter too? He destroyed his family, and now is destroying as many other families as he can, all for money. 0bama is a the Ghost pres, he's a master deceiver. Garlands son goes from school too school pushing the gender galore bs and he's making millions of dollars. 0bamas are billionaires evidently and now have 4 mansions. So much for "spreading the wealth"- these tyrants just want to take all the wealth and destroy everyone elses life, and they're succeeding because of FAKE NEWS- LYING journalists.

10ºAurelki Wheeler plenty of it of one doesn't keep their head buried in the sand. The FBI itself went on record as stating the confidental source of the FD-1023 was "Very Credible", and has been reliable for over 10 years. Pretty glowing praise for someone that presented evidence that would sink Biden in a scandal worse than Watergate. fits in timeline and detail with hundreds of bank records from the SARs.

And....the Hunter Biden laptop, which the FBI had and verified a year before the story broke and the Biden campaign.put forth the phony 51 former Intel agents election interference letter....And numerous Hunter Biden former partners sworn testimony.....and FBI agents sworn testimony....and, IRS Investigating agents sworn testimony....and, Obama stenographer sworn testimony.....and emails, text messages......and.......

But, you want to.pretend it's all smoke, without any fire.
