Phoenix just endured the hottest month for any US city as historic heat streak comes to an end

One of the most exceptional city heat streaks in US history finally ended Monday when Phoenix failed to hit 110 degrees for the first time in 31 consecutive days.


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You know I was thinking about some of the worst people that have ever lived in the 20th century it would’ve been between Hitler and Stalin both were really bad but in the 21st century I think it’s obvious that Putin will go down as the worst person in the 21st century especially if the war in Ukraine drags on for years to come and millions of people end up dying I honestly don’t know how anyone can support someone that invades another country and kills 100s of thousands of people or millions of people and then that person tries to justify it whenever there is no justification for invading another country and killing that country’s people but there are just bad people in the world that have no common sense.

Peter J Pasquariello The last Ice Age ended 11,700 years ago. Normal Geological Temperature Shifts between Interglacial periods are around 0.13°C per 100 years. The shift is progressive, but tiny under natural conditions. That means it take 769 years for a 1°C change under natural conditions. In the past 40 years the rate has been, on average 0.18°C per decade, since analysing data since the early 1980s. So, that equates to a 1°C shift every 55.5 years. Also, barely noticeable. The rate of change recently is not standard and natural as it is 14× the rate at which Interglacial Temperature changes normally occur. If you calculate the rate today, of 0.18°C per decade, as having been consistent since the last Ice Age ended and the earth was 4°C cooler, 11,700 years ÷ 10 = 1,170 Decades × 0.18°C per decade = 210.6°C. 210.6°C - 4°C = 206.6°C. Earth would be over double the temperature of the water boiling in your kettle. I don't think anyone wants the earth heating up 14× faster than it ought to be and its only getting worse, as we are early on the exponential curve.
