Trump incriminato per l’assalto al Congresso. Quattro capi d’accusa tra cui cospirazione

L’ex presidente: “Persecuzioni da Germania nazista ed Unione Sovietica”


Nel frattempo che in maniera poco chiara si indaga su Trump ecco cosa L America sta passando : The Biden economy, one third of the Gen Z and millennials have absolutely no savings, nothing whatsoever. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate for a 30-year mortgage up 157 percent and going much higher. Real wages collapsed 26 months in a row, and that’s a record. Typical Americans have seen their incomes crushed by $7,400 a year since Biden took office, the biggest pay cut in many decades. Credit card debt has just reached an all-time high—with American consumers owing nearly a TRILLION dollars on their credit card bills, up 17 percent from just a year ago, one of the largest increases in history

No administration in modern times has matched the power of our America First economic formula, and they never even came close. We had low taxes, low regulations, low inflation, maximum American energy production, we were energy independent, and fair and reciprocal trade. Under Trump, every policy is about making life better and more affordable for hardworking American families. So to every American who is struggling under Crooked Joe Biden, and he is indeed Crooked, the most Crooked president we’ve ever had: help is on the way. I am fighting for you as hard as I can. We’re doing a job.

Together, we will Make America Wealthy Again—and we will Make America Great Again.

Thank you.

Signature of Donald J. Trump

Emiliano Darchini meriterebbe una risposta esaustiva ma ga messo di mezzo un minestrone di tale confusione da mal di testa. Solo un paio di sassolini me li tolgo : con Trump esattamente il contrario Latinos e Africans avevano avanzato il
Loro status economico. Trump nn ha accesso nessuna guerra ; erano autosufficienti ; il tasso di disoccupazione al minimo. Gas a $2/2.15 gallone . Insomma non stavano proprio male . Tenga presente che ho vissuto 22 anni la’. In Italia …. Lasci perdere. Stavate bene col pd e le bugie di draghi ??? Ora vado a pranzo. Mi scuso per non averle risposto ulteriormente

Emiliano Darchini BEIJING (Reuters) - Extreme rain battered Beijing, Tianjin and the province of Hebei in the wake of Typhoon Doksuri in late July, causing widespread flooding and damage in a region the size of Britain.

The storms, which have killed at least 20 people and led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of residents, were the worst to hit China in over a decade, with Beijing experiencing its heaviest rainfall in 140 years.


The amount of rainfall since Saturday has breached many local meteorological records.

A reservoir in Beijing's Changping district logged a precipitation reading of 744.8mm (29.3 inches) between Saturday and Wednesday, the most in the city in over 140 years and far exceeding the previous record of 609mm set in 1891. Come vede. Al clima nn si comanda. Già nel 1891 c’era la pioggia tanta. Pensa che Pechino passo’ da 1 milione 15 milioni. Per cui. La differenza si può imputare a tale aumento della popolazione. Comunque hanno preparato x tempo canali di scolo extra. Esattamente come in Emilia Romagna targata pd. Ora caffè e saluti. Alla prossima
