Bud Light controversy cost parent company about $395 million in lost US sales | CNN Business

The world’s largest brewer is counting the costs of being swept into a controversy over Bud Light in the United States.



Derrick Anthony cancelling...is what the left did to the "my pillow guy"
They got him kicked out of multiple stores.
They literally canceled him.
Made it impossible to buy his product from a store front.
That didn't happen to budweiser.
They are still in stores
Just no one wants the product
It's not the same thing
Budweiser used actual women to sell their product. Because 85% of its customers are men
They replaced a woman with a trans woman.
It's not over thinking.
It's the reality.
Sorry you have a hard time with reality.
Which means your life will get increasingly difficult in the next few years

John Anderson Budweiser is still worth twice as much as it was worth 3 years ago. Until they actually dip below that, it's all water under the bridge. People sat around drinking during the height of the pandemic, now that people are no longer doing that - They need to make the decreasing value of their stock look natural.

How do you do that without upsetting shareholders and allowing them to cash out at maximum value AND not trigger an insider trading investigation? Cook up cartoonish schemes.

Did anyone ever ask why they funded an event in a country that doesn't allow drinking? Or whatever happened to that investment? The picture is huge, this whole thing seems like a controlled burn.

How interesting. Wasn't it just in the news that AB has made a sizable profit in spite of these theoretical sales losses? Don't forget that material wise they lost very little. A can of beer only cost a few cents to manufacture. They are also making up for their losses like any big company does, by laying off employees which should save them a huge amount of money. So, in the end, the boycott hurt hard working Americans and did little damage to their employer. It also hasn't changed anyone's belief in tolerance and acceptance of people who are different from ourselves.

Jowee ZebraSix Lowell writes that the screenshots of these messages as tweeted by Smith, "both include a photo of Mr. Biden not from 2017 but from the White House Easter Egg roll in April 2022 (long after the purported message was sent); both images portray the message in a blue bubble, when WhatsApp messages are in green; one image super-imposed the Chinese flag for the contact ID, when surely that was not how a text or contact was kept; and one purports to be a screenshot with the '. . .' of someone composing a text (as in Apple's iMessage) when that does not happen on WhatsApp."

With arrogance I ask all the Corporations that want to tie meanings other than quality, and value to products, goods and services to step forward. So in turn I can start the “Not With Me” campaign. Left, or right, if my patronage is suppose to overtly mean something, that I support or oppose something, come out the closet and say so. The “With Out Me,” campaign will be about the opposing the overt abuses that can occur with this nonsense. You can’t buy food, you can’t rent, you can’t own anything. Lets end this Western European abuse that has occurred in Europe from happening here in the United States.
