Exclusive: Trump ally Bernie Kerik meets with special counsel investigators

Trump ally Bernie Kerik met with special counsel Jack Smith’s investigators who are handling the probe related to the 2020 election aftermath and the January 6, 2021, insurrection.



Michael Vrana RT @christina_bobb: Pennsylvania is going to Trump. The legislators have spoken.

The States want to redo their votes. They found out they voted on a FRAUD. Legislatures never approved. Let them do it. BE STRONG!

If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!

Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

Two allies of former President Donald Trump, including a former Republican state attorney general candidate, were charged with felonies Tuesday involving voting machines and illegal "testing" following the 2020 election.

Attorney Matthew DePerno, who was endorsed by Trump in an unsuccessful bid for the Michigan AG job last year, was charged with undue possession of a voting machine and conspiracy, while Daire Rendon, a former Republican state representative, was charged with conspiracy to commit undue possession of a voting machine and false pretenses.

Both defendants were arraigned Tuesday afternoon, according to Richard Lynch, the court administrator for Oakland County’s 6th Circuit. In a statement, special prosecutor D.J. Hilson said the charges against DePerno and Rendon were authorized by "an independent citizens grand jury," and that his office did not make any recommendations.

Tim Cashman Texts to Rudy:

“Urgent POTUS request need best examples of ‘election fraud’ that we’ve alleged that’s super easy to explain,” Epshteyn wrote, according to evidence attached to the filing.

“Doesn’t necessarily have to be proven, but does need to be easy to understand. Is there any sort of ‘greatest hits’ clearinghouse that anyone has for best examples?”

Rudy in deposition:

"According to the account that Giuliani gave in the case, he spent less than an hour reviewing allegations that Coomer was part of a plot to rig the election before publicly making those claims at a November press conference,"

Also said, “I just repeated what I was told,” Giuliani replied.

Pepe Lazo now it's in Jack Smith's hands he now has to prove there wasn't mass fraud. That will be a requirement to prove Trump lied about fraud. Be hard though. The officials he is going to testify got monetary or political benefits for Trump losing even if it was Joe Biden cheating. Many of those officials admit they don't have documents to prove there wasn't mass fraud. As Bill Barr didn't order the mail in ballots to be checked for identity verification and stopped the investigation in Pennsylvania from happening. The other officials are from states that don't check identity verification on mail in ballots

The Democrats, Liberals, and RINOs are literally afraid of the truth.
They literally refuse to even look at the truth and foolishly laugh when the truth is presented.
For example, the actual Impeachment Trial Cross Examination regarding January 6 that was shown on TV, recorded by CSPAN, and uploaded to YouTube for the entire world to see.
That Cross Examination thoroughly "debunked" the "conspiracy theories" created by the Democrat House Managers who got CAUGHT doctoring evidence and manipulating videos of Trump's speech and the speeches of others as recorded during the January 6 Save America Rally, which I personally attended and heard every word of every speech. See http://abcsofevil.com/#SAVE_DC
A few examples of the many Democrat conspiracy theory statements follow with the Impeachment Trial Cross Examination that completely debunks those falsehoods using the actual complete statement as recorded on January 6.
Note that Jamie Raskin, one of the Democrat House Managers, got caught doctoring evidence and he was later on the J6 Committee repeating falsehoods:
1. "You have to get your people to fight" precisely at:
2. "Fight like hell" precisely at:
3. Democrat House Managers manipulating videos precisely at:
4. Jamie Raskin (on the later J6 Committee TV Show) getting CAUGHT doctoring evidence precisely at:
Many more examples are on the web site at:

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