Ne-Yo apologizes for comments about parents of trans kids

Ne-Yo has apologized for remarks he made about gender identity and parenting trans children.


You did not publish his full comments. Try again. Also, if you think hormones and surgery for minors is the standard of care, you are WRONG. Europe and the UK are SLOWING DOWN treatment of minors at precisely the moment US media is claiming we should accelerate such decisions by minors. I am speaking only about hormones and surgeries for minors - I am not speaking about social transitioning such as name, pronouns, style, dress. Importantly, Europe and the UK are slowing down because they did not follow the science and now life-altering mistakes have piled up. They are noting this science and "following the science" by slowing down. CNN, you're wrong if you think science says to place kids on hormones. The long-term implications must be considered: first do no harm. These kids need our love, care, compassion, and respect. They do not need adults encouraging them to make irreversible decisions that are unsustainable over the long-term. Too many kids naturally have dysphoria go down or go away entirely with age. Be careful what we so medically to youth. Be careful.

CNN prints another FALSE story

His publicist apologized, which Ne-Yo quickly retracted

"Listen, I normally don’t give too much of a d--- about what y’all think about what I do, what you have to say about what I say, whatever. I normally don’t care because, like I said, opinions ain’t special. Everybody got one. However, this is something I feel very strongly on, and I need y’all to hear it from the horse’s mouth, not the publicist’s computer," Ne-Yo began.

He said, "First and foremost, I did not apologize for having an opinion on this matter. I am a 43-year-old heterosexual man raising five boys and two girls, okay? That’s my reality. If my opinion offended somebody, yeah, sure, I apologize for you being offended because that wasn’t my intention. My intention is never to offend anybody."

"However, I’m entitled to feel how I feel. I am absolutely entitled to feel
how I feel the same way you are entitled to feel how you feel," he continued.

Now what ya going to do CNN