شبكات - رابطة الصلعان في الأردن

رابطة الصلعان في #الأردن.. هل هي ضد زراعة الشعر؟ #شبكات



Keep and Recite this supplication (du'aa) when chastisement befalls
if you see Allah’s chastisement falling, while you are at home or out in the open, drop down prostrating on the ground wherever you be and say: [O our Allah, I am Your servant, I ask You by the fact that there is no God except You and by the fact of Your mercy that You ordained upon yourself and by the truth of the greatest Bliss of the pleasure of Yourself, to forgive Your servant and Your servants along Your servant and to remove chastisement from them by Your mercy,. O the Most Merciful of than all the merciful ones, indeed, You have power over all things]. So say that three times when you are prostrating on the ground, then get up raising your hands to your Lord pleading and say the same supplication until Allah removes the distress of chastisement from the nation, indeed my Lord is the Hearer of supplication, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Lord of the worlds.
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni