A stunning possible fourth indictment looms over Trump and the 2024 election | Analysis

"Yet another likely criminal indictment is looming over Donald Trump this week, which would deepen his already extreme legal quagmire and further divert an unparalleled election season from the campaign trail into multiple courtrooms," writes Stephen Collinson.



Laura Johnson guess you didn’t read my comment, the Mueller report, or the senate intel report, all of which prove you are lying:

Two dozen indictments is not “no evidence”.
Six Trump inner circle associates convicted and sentenced in connection is not “no evidence”
Statements by Senate republicans in their report that Trump sought and willingly accepted Russian help is not “no evidence”.

Are you reall not smart enough to understand the difference between NO evidence sufficient evidence to meet the strict legal criteria of conspiracy?

You can stand by your hero all you want - I mean he may not have been charged with conspiracy in the russia case, but he was found to be a rapist, was found to have cheated on his taxes with his foundation, did have convictions in his tax cheating by his main business, was found guilty of housing discrimination, did bilk his students with his university, and has been charged by three separate grand juries made up of ordinary citizens for conspiracy, obstruction, tax fraud and multiple other infractions. That isn’t “no evidence”.

Laura Johnson the only one trying to take away your right to vote is Trump, by trying to disqualify votes, in states where there was no reason to only so that he could win. It didn’t work and That is cheating. Interference in an election Is a crime, and so is obstruction.
Rallying to take over a government institution is an insurrection, and not a peaceful protest. Also a crime against the people of the USA.
Too bad his close ties are ratting on him.(lol)
By the way, should I look for your picture on the FBI wanted list from January 6?

Angel DeLabio I hate to be the one to tell you this but Russia did absolutely nothing different than the United States has been doing to other countries for 60 years BUT RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

"If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all,” said Steven L. Hall, who retired in 2015 after 30 years at the C.I.A., where he was the chief of Russian operations. The United States “absolutely” has carried out such election influence operations historically, he said, “and I hope we keep doing it.”

"Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too. - The New York Times" https://www.nytimes.com/2...-do-it-too.html

What a nightmare this country has become. He is innocent of all charges Remember the Russia Collusion lie that tax millions of our tax payer money. I hope to God Democrats realize paybacks are hell. We will get all the answers on the criminals that came into the presidential office not wealthy and became super wealthy after leaving. We need to investigate all of them. 75 million or more people want this man as president. We are headed for a civil war if they take away are right to vote for the person we want to elect. These charges keep gaining more support for President Trump. I think the Democrats will be the one losing in all of this.

Laura Johnson you mean the russian interference investigation that resulted in a couple dozen people been indicted and several of trump’s closest allies being convicted in federal court? You mean the one in which the mueller report didn’t clear trump, but said there was not ENOUGH evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt? The one in which the GOP-lead the senate intel committee published a detailed report that said that trump sought and willingly accepted russian help, but didn’t meet the legal definition of conspiracy?

So, if that was a hoax, if you complain about the cost to taxpayers, surely you must be appalled that a 5 year investigation into Hunter Biden, who is not a government official, was conducted by a trump-appointed federal prosecutor that the new admin kept in his job (which is almost never done by new admins) and found tax issues and a gun charge but nothing indicating tne president was involved is overkill, right? I mean, its been going on twice as long and spent twice as much and come up with much less impactful or serious charges, none involving any government figures…so…..

Minksy Way every time he gets an indictment his poll numbers go up… he’s beating Joe Biden in all polls right now!
And you should know as well as I do the people being hurt the most by this administration are the poor inner-city people…. They don’t care who is president. They just want cheap gas and cheap groceries so they’re gonna blame whoever the present is, for expensive gas and expensive groceries….. this is Joe Biden’s fault, and nobody with the right mind would ever vote for this ldiot again ….

You can call Trump whatever you want but I would love $1.50 gas and some mean tweets right now! 

Hank Saav just as you DA’s believe the BS Liberal media and what they tell you or refuse to tell you. If you dig deeper that want either biased media tells you a you’d find yourself closer to the truth…it’s just you don’t want the truth. You’re happy going after the “what has been” and completely ignore the “ what is happening presently”….look how you ignore anything negative about the bumbling idiot and his token in office. As I’ve said many times before…you hear how Biden speaks in front of the cameras, even during speeches…how rare they are…the hear “media” repeating statements from Biden. The comparison between the 2 are like vinegar and water! But you just go along with it….and now want him in office for another 4 years…typical of Democrats and liberals…you know they’re doing a job but we’ll continue to re-elect them!

Laura Clark I’m curious on your side of the aisle, do you not see the evidence that they show us with each indictment? Like these aren’t just baseless claims and allegations. Are you aware of how a grand jury works? These were people selected and approved by both the DOJ and Trumps lawyers. They saw evidence and chose to indict. For example in the most recent indictment about to come out this week, they just showed video evidence, text messages and emails that proves voter tampering by Trump and his team. I know you wouldn’t be okay if we found out Biden did that. I know I wouldn’t and certainly wouldn’t defend him. Biden currently has some allegations against him and although all evidence the Republican Party has presented has shown how he’s not involved, if the evidence shows that he is democrats all agree he should be impeached. Have you ever watched any documentaries on cults? That’s probably where I would recommend you start.

Maria Tardif Lwowski " Attacked our democracy and needs to be punished for it. " This isn't a law. Trump used words and under our Constitution those words are protected by the 1st Amendment. ........... HOWEVER Hillary did the same thing during the 2016 election by getting another candidate , Jill Stein, to demand a recount in a few states she lost and used Democrat money to pay for the recounts. Did she pay for it? NOPE ................ Your hypocrisy is showing .................. Btw unless you have actual audio clips to prove otherwise,Trump did NOT order the protesters to storm the Capitol Building on Jan 6. Those people did it on they own volition and not on any oders

10ºJeremy David you think that only happened in Michigan? Don’t be so gullible McFly. Yeah, Trump filed 60 lawsuits and not a single piece of evidence was heard in a court of law. So how are alternate electors fraudulent when the evidence of the 2020 election being stolen is apparent? Again, this criminal targeting of Trump is nothing more than to get him out of the 2024 election to influence it.

I’m more familiar with Pennsylvania election law. The election laws in that state were unconstitutionally changed. Only state legislatures can change election laws and have to abide by the state constitution. It did not. The only two ways of voting in Pennsylvania is either in person or solicit a mail in ballot with reason.
