‘Like something from outer space.’ How the colorful ’90s iMac made our tech stylish | CNN

25 years ago today, Apple introduced a bold new design that drastically shifted our relationship with technology.



Criminal Negligence of a Failed President

“Today marks the two-year anniversary of Joe Biden’s surrender to the Taliban. Joe Biden sacrificed the lives of eleven Marines, one Sailor, and one Soldier and I will NEVER forgive his dereliction of duty.

Afghanistan was relatively stable when I left six months before that day. The fledgling Afghan National Defense Security Forces (ANDSF) that we trained were learning to stand on their own two feet. But Joe Biden destroyed all that hard work.

Joe Biden was responsible for the fall of Iraq and the rise of ISIS when he failed to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) in 2010. I was there and I saw the consequences of his actions. I’ll NEVER forget.”

—-CAPT Hung Cao USN (RET)