White House defends Hawaii response amid Biden silence and Trump criticism | CNN Politics

The White House is making a concerted effort to defend and explain the federal reaction to the Maui wildfires, highlighting what it describes as a “robust whole-of-government response” on the island.



Jared Purgatorio ok Jason
Thanks for your narrative. It is quite right wing echo chamber. Not sure what “answer” you are seeking??

My expectations for the president is to provide as much assistance to the crisis as his position allows and to not add to the problem, be grandiose or seek attention.

I will not find his statement helpful, moving or validating. I know how I feel…. I know how compassionate Americans feel when they see the devastation. I would rather hear from Red Cross workers stating what they need there… on the ground.

However, when Biden speaks on this publicly, I hope that will make you feel better or validated or whatever you need…. I am guessing you will feel however right wing media tells you to feel.

Julie Bledsoe no he would be showing support and seeing something like that in person is way different then on TV. I remember democrats crucifying bush for flying over while New Orleans was still underwater like he should have been down there in a fan boat or something. I also remember democrats and the media doing non stop coverage when a senator went on vacation during a winter storm. Not the governor a senator. Also remember democrats yelling at Desantis for being on a book tour when they had a flood somewhere in Florida. Hypocrisy at its finest. Biden doesn’t even need to go there but he could take the two seconds from his second vacation in Two weeks to show his love and support for the people suffering right now.

Anne Sportas May I quote from the article?

"During his remarks, Biden pledged that the state would have “every asset, every asset they need” for ongoing recovery and rebuild efforts."

"The president mourned the loss of life and “generations of native Hawaiian history turned into ruin” while reiterating a robust federal response, even as some on Maui have voiced frustration at the slow pace of aid."

"The President mourned the loss of life.. " sounds like an offering of condolence to me. As to a visit, that was promised at a time when it wouldn't disrupt recovery efforts. Can you say what is missing from the President's response, what has failed to satisfy you?

Government isn't doing crap and thank GOD the people with wisdom and wealth are relocating as many Hawaiians that want to as possible. Shame on the airlines that exploited this crisis with a massive increase in one way airfare. We witnessed it and will NEVER forget your decision to make it way to

Christine Damiano Notareschi you keep saying visit when I am clearly talking about him having the ability to answer a simple question from the heart. Coming from the party that crucified Bush for flying over when New Orleans was underwater or Ted Cruz for going on vacation or even Desantis for being on a book tour when one city in Florida had a flood. Neither side will ever be satisfied by how quickly or how a politician responds but the president of the United States no matter what should have the ability to say a few quick heartfelt words after a tragedy. That’s the bare minimum and he couldn’t do that because they try and keep him from reporters at all costs. Ask yourself why.

Dustin Franks How can anyone defend the lack of compassion Biden has. I also watched those Gold Star families that lost their 13 brave 20-25 year old kids/ young US service people that lost their lives in the unorganized awful departure in Afghanistan that said Biden showed next to NO COMPASSION for them when bringing their loved ones back in coffins. He actually lied to the families faces and told the he knows how actually how they feel because he lost his son the same way. When the Biden’s were actually by their sons side Beau when he sadly died from Brain Cancer! He has never mentioned their names once after that day!