CDC is among federal agencies investigating the death of a 3-year-old asylum-seeker who was on a Texas-sponsored bus to Chicago | CNN

A 3-year-old migrant girl who was on a Texas-sponsored bus to Chicago died last week, prompting investigations by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies.


Karen Hathaway no you didn't, we have money and sending it to Ukraine isn't stopping us from taking care of those at home. In fact, it's cheaper than fighting a world war.

Adults can do two things at one time, meaning we can support allies AND take care of our people here...unfortunately there is a party who doesn't want to fund those programs at home...a party that undercuts services for our citizens...but go off on how independent you are, as if that matters.

You have not shown any connection outside of the one in your head, but nice try!

Jeffery Colzani , so what you are saying is that nothing has changed at the Southern border.That's fair enough. Now ask yourself why? The GOP had contriol under Trump and he , and they, did nothing. They were too busy tring to stack the court in preparations for the overthrow of our government to be bothered ,and they knew that Biden would have the same problems as every other president, only far worse because of the effects of covid and the outbreak of suppressive regimes world wide. It's easy to criticize but what solutions have they come up with??? The Republicans haven't had an original thought in well over three decades!!!

Karen Hathaway now I know you don't know what you're talking about.

Once you said both parties are the same you lost me. You're either blind or willfully ignorant. One party plays the obstruction game while pointing and saying, "see the Dems dont do anything," but SURE, both are the same.

I left the GOP because it's full of extremists who only care about enriching the rich so don't talk to me about taking sides or both being the same, they aren't even close to being the same.

I hate talking to people like you who clearly don't have any idea what they are talking about. Good luck, Karen. I hope you get a clue someday rather than playing a useful fool for people who want to pocket your money while saying look at Ukraine, it'stheir fault your neighbor is hungry! It's so obvious I'm sad you can't see it for yourself.
