Trump lawyers negotiating with Fulton County DA over details of surrender, sources say

Trump’s surrender and arraignment will look different in Georgia than in his previous three criminal cases.


Written in 1957 and truer than ever
"When you see that in order
to produce,.you needto
obtain permission from men
who produce nothing - When
you see that money is flowing
to those who deal, not in
goods, but in favors - When
you see that men get richer
by graft and by pull than by
work, and your laws don't
protect you against them, but
protect them against you -
When you see coruption being rewarded and
honesty becoming a self-sacrifice- You may
know that your society is doomed."
Ayn Rand,
Atlas Shrugged, 1957Hating Trump is like
hating your parents.
Not recognizing.what they
did for you makes you an
ungrateful crybaby.

There should Not be a negotiation. He should be told you will arrive at the jail at such and such a date at such and such a time. No one else gets that option. If they want to treat him like any other defendant, he SHOULDN'T be given an option. Once again, if you have money you get treated one way and if you don 't you:re treated another way. If I did what Trump did , I would have been put in jail until my trial. Why is Trump out on bail. He MUST be put in prison before someone gets killed.

Not only can’t Jerrod spell his name correctly, he’s falling for the dumb right wing propaganda instead of actual history.

Nazis having socialist in their title is the ’gaslighting.’ They called themselves that as a means to attract workers. The right love to be duped in that same way & squeal ‘look it’s in the title’ but ‘Democratic’ is in the title of the DPRK & no one’s gullible enough to squeal Juche is remotely democratic.

But they ignore the ‘National’ part. They were ultra-nationalist. And nationalism is a key feature of fascism. And Fascism is a right wing ideology.

Happy I could clear it up for this schmuck.

Jeffrey Benson First of all... what happened to the proud "American way": innocent until proven guilty? Or do you agree with ol' Nance: "He has a right to prove his innocence"?
Secondly.. like so many Americans, you have no idea what many sayings actually mean.... it's KID GLOVES .. nothing to do with the slang for children, but the very soft leather made from baby goats... kids.. got it? And (b) it's "handled", not 'treated'. So here it is: (gets) handled with kid gloves. You Yanks know what you mean, but it comes out in a barely English-comprehensive way.

Thirdly, if you consider being hounded, harassed, lied about, spied on, impeached, indicted, had numerous illegal CORRUPT DoJ moves made against him, been wiped from all media outlets except Fox and NY Post for SEVEN ENTIRE YEARS - but being proven right every time... plus much more.. is being HWKG, you're a true idiot.

Vanessa Rae you may want to reconsider some of your sources… I suppose you think Hunter Biden’s laptop never existed… if you listen to CNN a.k.a. comedy news network, they even they finally had to admit that it exists and let’s not forget Russian collusion .  and I suppose you think Biden actually finished top of his class in law school and was an 18 wheeler driver like he stated? Yeah, you might want to reconsider your sources and he’s never had dealings with his son, and Ukraine, yet had meetings with him and others, along with photographs and phone calls recorded.. yes you may want to expand your sources..  I have exceeded my time of discussing anything with anyone that uses CNN as truth

Buddy Bonin Let's put this into perspective: Former president of the USA, Donald Trump, is indicted by 4 grand juries, for everything from cheating on his wife, to trying to overthrow the duly elected president Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Hunter Biden has a sextape. BIG friggin' deal. Hunter doesn't matter. Hunter was never president. Hunter never worked up a crowd to try and overthrow the federal government. Hunter never called the president of Ukraine trying to get dirt on a future political opponent. Hunter never pressured anyone to do political favors for him. You know why? Because Hunter Biden is not a politician. He holds no office, whether you like it or not. And the whataboutism is just so screwed up, you have no idea what is good for America any longer.

Tim Priddy Won’t wast my time reading everything you put because your blind to truth.
1 He is indicted in liberal states and cities that decided to play this game but we will see where this goes.
2 Ignorant people don’t believe in free speech, you can twist it anyway you want to it’s going nowhere.
And just what you said about his wife proves they would indicted him if he remove a mattress tag .
3 Hunter Biden business dealings have everything to do with the big guy and that’s why he was offered the sweetheart deal and tried to hide the fact that in the sweetheart deal there was a provision that would stop all future investigation in Hunter and Joe aka the big guy .
4 It takes a ignorant person to believe Crazy Joe got more votes then any president in history.

Nobody's fault but trumps. He is responsible, he is not above the law and will reap what he has sown
"The sad part is he (donald j trump)brought all of this on himself. Democrats didn't tell him to funnel hush money payments, Democrats didn't tell him to take and hide classified documents after the Government ask for them back giving him a YEAR to do it and still wouldn't give some back , Democrats didn't ask him to call Georgia to FIND HIM VOTES he didn't have during the 2020 election, Democrats didn't tell him to send people to the Capitol to attack lawmakers in the middle of counting electoral votes for Joe Biden. Everything that is happening to him, he did to himself but yet he blames the Democrats, Soros, "a man about 92 yrs old now", the deep state, the radical left. Nancy pelosi, Bragg, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and probably the tooth fairy by now. Everything is always somebody's else's fault."
