Feds determine five Chinese solar panel companies have been skirting US tariffs

After a more than year-long investigation, federal officials have concluded that five Chinese solar panel companies have been skirting US tariff laws by routing their operations through four other Southeast Asian countries.



Jacqueline Beer Greene wow, you really have zero dignity... So if you are letting the "proper authorities" deal with it why bring it up in response to a comment about hunter?... obviously it was a pathetic attempt at a defense for biden... Do you think Putin supporters brag about his oppositions indictments like you do? Your "hunter is not in government" narrative is also pathetic. Obviously he is in a position of influence due to proximity and he attends state dinners, flies on AF1, sells painting through the White House, and has access to classified materials via his garage... gtfoh cultist.

Biden family created a network of more than 20 shell companies. Vice President Biden joined phone calls with Hunter and his foreign business partners upwards of twenty times and that Joe flew Hunter to China on Air Force Two to meet with one of Hunter’s Chinese business partners.
Joe was all in on a vast criminal enterprise in which bribes from sources as diverse as China and Ukraine were solicited, received and laundered.
Joe Biden is acting senile.The Biden family syndicate, meanwhile, has been raking in tens, possibly hundreds, of millions from shady foreign sources, something that begs for the kind of law enforcement attention that the Genovese family got.

On Wednesday 8/16/2023.
My statements below are my opinion.
I saw a video on YouTube run by a YouTuber named - Lackluster audits- The video is called rookie cop caught lying.
In this video a citizen drives by a police officer Ayad G Taha of the Westfield NY police Department, as the officer is driving past the citizen he gives the officer the middle finger. I am not agreeing with his actions but It is your first amendment right to freedom of speech and expression.
In retaliation in my opinion the officer turned his car around and pulls him over. The officer states he was pulling him over because the citizen was doing 48 in a 35 mph zone. But video shows in my opinion he is a liar and did it in retaliation, check out the video yourself. There is proof in my opinion. He is a liar.

Being so frustrated. After watching this video I decided to call the police station and voice my opinion. I actually called the Chautauqua Sheriff's office by mistake 716-753-4900 and left a message for the Sheriff James B Quattrone. I will admit I did use fowl
language in the message that I left and I also don't condone what I did. But again, it is a First Amendment right to address your public officials.

I did get a call back the following day from who I believe was sheriff James B Quattrone. I explained to him that the people are tired of turning on the TV and seeing corrupt cops behaving badly every single day, we are tired of seeing police officers putting their knee into a person's neck and killing them as a person is begging for air, tazing innocent citizens, beating innocent citizens, shooting innocent citizens, killing innocent citizens.
And I believe is exact words to me were but what about all the good that the police do.
So what you are telling the American people is that we should not be upset by all the injustice is happening but remember about all the good the police do
Tell this to the families of the innocent people that have been killed, tazed, beaten by the police!!!

If this is his response, you have to wonder how corrupt is his police department. How many people have they illegally detained, tazed, shot or killed.

Please join the movements. There are people all over the United States that are what are called First Amendment auditors, they film the police to protect the people. These officers do not like being held accountable and have been known to arrest these auditors to stop them from these actions and put on false charges of interference, trespassing, resisting arrest without violence.
Go to YouTube and look them up. They're are tens of thousands of videos of bad cops in my opinion.
Share this on every medium you are a member of share this with every friend, neighbor and co-workers.
A few people cannot make a difference, but hundreds of thousands of people can.
It is time to hold our government officials accountable you can be part of that change. Do you want to leave this kind of society to your kids to your grandkids?
