Trump already taped Tucker Carlson interview that is expected to air on GOP debate night, sources say

Former President Donald Trump has already taped an interview with Tucker Carlson that is expected to be used as counterprogramming for the first GOP primary debate Wednesday, sources say.


Pilates Marilyn the people od Maui are saying the 700.00 per family is a the face. There have been many other mainland citizens wiped out by fires and other natural disasters who received nothing! They are angry, hurt and grieving. Its part of the grieving process in this case to look for someone to blame. Its Biden's fault the local officials didn't sound the alarm? Or he didn't come soon enough, when everyone was asked to stay away? Its the electric company they didn't kill the power when the high wind kicked up? Imagine the complaints if that happened 10 ten times a day? Its the city officials fault there was no water to fight the flames. Even heard its was Oprah fault because she own a vast amount of land of Maui. It was a natural disaster, but you can't blame Mother natural.

Gary Stark you are misinformed and are one major crybaby, aren’t you? Everyone knows the pandemic and tariffs caused the rise in COGS. If you want to POINT THE FINGER, then you would have to say trump started the ball rolling with inflation. Prices were up at the end of 2020 and start of 2021. I know because I have the receipts to prove it. Inflation involves the businesses of this country and what they charge people and their profits. Learn what it’s all about instead of just pointing your finger at someone! We have free enterprise called Capitalism in this country. The president doesn’t control the businesses and what they charge! Otherwise he’d be known as communist. Got it?

I hope the Networks smarting up, and don't air the Trump/Tucker interview ever. And if Trump or other candidates decide not to enter any debates don't give them any air time and stop talking about them. Don't allow them to air their campaign commercials. If the Network would step up and get a backbone and stand firm I guarantee all candidates no matter the party will conform to the standards set and get back to talking to the American people about the issues and how they plan on resolving them. But we all know that will only happen in a perfect world smh. The Networks should be embarrassed ashamed for reporting on Trump 24/7 dang near 10 years now on the local and national news. The debates should be held in high esteem a secred process in our democracy, where the citizens of the United States get to hear their candidates talk on issues be challenged on issues and their responses. And the crown Jewel to debates is the citizens being to ask questions and get real time responses from the candidates.

Elisa Reyna agreed. I didn't vote for Trump at all and I won't ever. I knew he was a crooked criminal since the early 1970's. No intelligent compassionate person would ever want to subject his or her own people to the likes of Trump nor George W Bush. They were tyrants walled off from the lifestyle of the average American with old money and a life without humility. The days worshiping the rich and their ways are over. It's a rare privilege many don't have to get to vote presidents into office. We all need to choose wisely and with reason each election, not emotionally or with vengeance in mind for those who don't share our values. The repercussions as we've seen can be devastating to the nation on the whole.

"Donald Trump and his businesses are involved in over 4,000 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes."

And this man was elected President and rants on his social media platform that the court system wants to lock him away versus taking the hint that he's worse than J.B. Normal circumstances, Donald wouldn't have made the Presidency because it violated all top security clearance requirements in regards to a whole slew of financial difficulties, burdens, delinquencies, bankruptcies, and so on that would have locked him out from having Top Secret/SCI Clearance.

Linda Gauthreaux and trump is con con, grab grab, sue sue, incite invite, lie lie, blame blame, whine whine, etc.

Are fellow citizens living their lives in a way you don't approve of? Aw. Better criminalize it. Better lash out at other people's choices as an assault against your beliefs. How about the government concentrate on the function of ensuring personal freedom? What do you possibly hope to gain? Do you want government to sanction killing people that are different from you? Exile? Or simply make their lives more difficult? Why not concentrate on making YOUR life better instead of others' lives WORSE?

Paula Schmitt American rescue plan, what has he rescued illigal immigrants? inflation reduction act, inflation has never hit a higher rate than i have ever seen under the current administration. Science act? what is that, watching a Chinese spy balloon fly over the entire USA. Safer communities act? biggest joke ever! Crime is getting out off control, Democratic run cities are literally imploding before our eyes (if you open your eyes), businesses are closing up shop and moving headquarters out of the stinch! smash and grabs, car jackings and random violence does not sound good to educated people. Respect for marriage act? it is a marriage destruction act. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman PERIOD! Jobs created, you liberals are so confused, The vast majority of jobs are people getting BACK to work after covid-19. Why are cancelling, left wing Democratic, purple and green haired people unable to be happy and smile? BECAUSE THEY ARE MISERABLE AND CONFUSED PEOPLE.

Mark Hullander do some research. Remember trump inherited a country in fine shape from the Obama administration ( transfer of power see to that) Then he spent 4 years reversing all of Obama’s policies ( pandemic response teams and playbook among others) . Without that transfer ( first time ever) The Biden administration comes in blind. That insures the smooth transition which is absolutely necessary. Trump even postponed the extraction dates for the Afghanistan withdrawal until after Biden took office. I’ve seen this in business many many times. This tactic is meant to make the new guy look bad and the outgoing look good. Bottom line trump didn’t care.

Elisa Reyna Sadly the people I know that voted for Trump in 2016 mostly voted for him again in 2020 (and have been defending him since the first indictment came down). They bought into the stolen election lie and are buying into the lie that somehow the Democrats are putting alll these charges out there just to try to keep him from running again. In 2020 I cheered when I saw some of the counties that are otherwise deeply red turn blue for the 2020 presidential election (several in Pennsylvania, Maricopa County in Arizona, etc.). And what I say to anyone that still tries to say the 2020 election was stolen is simply this... If the counties that went blue for the presidential election were because of a bunch of fraudulent ballots, what about all of the Republicans down ballot that won on those very same ballots? They never seem to have an answer to that

10ºWell Between the millions of illegal immigrants , their crime, sponging off of us, the IRS that are now hiring thousands to go after us, the flood of illegal immigrants taking over entire communities, inflation, food prices, gas prices, interest rates, cost of living increases, two superpowers threatening to nuke us, groomers trying to take our parental rights, trying to groom our kids, the rabid crime rates, the filthy democratic cities, supporting others proxy wars, 33 trillion of debt, our credit rating being lowered again, the tool in the WH trying to price fix us into their green agenda, a woke week military drug addicts littering our streets,..........Yeah everything is just great. But CNN is Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.
