1 in 5 women – and even more Black, Hispanic mothers – report mistreatment during maternity care, according to CDC report

About 1 in 5 women were mistreated while receiving maternity care and nearly a third faced discrimination, according to a new report from the CDC.



From the article: “We do know from this study that women are reluctant to report their concerns. And we do know that as a result of not voicing concerns, there may be an increased risk for pregnancy-related complications for both mom and baby.”

Nearly half (45%) of all women said they didn’t ask questions or discuss concerns with maternity care providers, most often because they thought what they were experiencing might be normal. At least 1 in 5 also said they held back because they felt embarrassed and didn’t want to make the issue into a big deal or because they were worried their maternity care provider might think they were being difficult.”

Thirty-one years ago I was pregnant with my first child. The doctors decided to induce me on a day when the maternity ward was already full. There was no potential risk to the baby that required that induction. I could have gone back the next day. I had 12 different nurses and when I was crowning the one nurse (same ethnicity as me) started to leave because her shift was ending. The doctor had to make her come back. There were a number of things that went wrong, but I was thankful I came away with a healthy baby.

This issue isn’t new and it isn’t a racial issue. To be honest, and hopefully no one takes this comment the wrong way, us white people have been taught to just accept things, black people had to accept stuff for a long time and are fed up. Both are extremes and don’t really work for the whole. There has to be a realization that we have to work together for real and lasting change.
