Live updates: Trump to surrender to Fulton County authorities in Georgia 2020 election case

Former President Donald Trump will turn himself in today on 13 charges in Georgia, including racketeering. Follow live updates.


Ya, we know CNN. Why do you have little dots on the screen? I think they are people sitting around a desk? Is that Jake Tapper in the middle? Let me get my magnifying glass! Oh, there's a BIG FAT HEAD, a huge mugshot now, it replaced a panning ANNOYINGLY moving building... Why? You're showing a tiny little picture in picture of people talking - an actual activity next to a HUGE picture of a building with the camera panning around, it's making me feel sick. Just bc you HAVE drone footage doesn't mean you HAVE to use it you know. Like last time where you showed a pathetic person's motorcade of a jerk going to check into court. Is there ANYONE over there monitoring what you are showing on our DISPLAYS?? Doesn't seem like it.

Michael Fine I took your advice to improve my grammar. Tell me what you think? Trump is no stranger to cheating while committing election fraud and getting caught too. Trump called Georgia to find him 11,780 votes to change the outcome, fake electors to change the outcome, placing Clark as AG to change the outcome, invited real electors to the Wh to change the outcome, sent an angry mob to the Capitol to fight like hell or you won’t have a country to change the outcome. Well! What you think? Was Trump committing election fraud on a grand scale in 2020? It’s rather difficult to complain about one party cheating, when the complaining party is cheating too. Don’t you agree?

the law clearly states all mail in votes have to be counted by midnight of the day before the election. The Democrats passed the motion to bypass this claiming false claims about the mail not being delivered on time. They clearly stuffed the ballot boxes with fake mail-in ballots to get the votes they needed to have their candidate elected. A blind deaf dumb person can see this the Democrats cheated at midnight on election Day Trump had won the election there should never have been any more votes counted if you can't have your votes counted by midnight then they don't count. End of story. Brandon is so corrupted. He and his ill drug addicted Son got 20 million dollars bribery money from many different countries. Let’s go Brandon…

Mr. Donald Trump is not you going to jail the whole nation is going to jail to because you are pure American person you think about American people first, I remember when you were president of United States you did not took your salary. You left it for American people unfortunately most American people are blind, they don’t see the truth. Someone spending $900 billion on Ukraine war who gets the benefit who get benefits from Russia who lives $80 billion military equipment in Afghanistan who gets benefit you never done any of those . As a fact you made a job for American people 25,000 people you put them on the pipeline who destroy it to all American people who did think about it I hope we American people wake up before get too late or economy it’s down the toilet like I said you’re not going to prison the whole nation is going to prison. God bless United States of America and military keeping us safe.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023
"Civilian Military"
By Anna Von Reitz

When I first heard those words strung together, I literally thought -- is there no end to this?

Civilian Military. Sovereign Citizen.

Even the language used by the US Government is perverse.

It doesn't stop with the use of oxymorons -- stringing together words that are mutually exclusive in meaning.

It extends to the use of Dog Latin, also known as "Pig English" in official government communications and records.

They use Dog Latin on Dog Tags: LEONARD V WHITE, CPL, US ARMY 1....

And on tax bills sent to imaginary CITIZENS.

When you use the grammar and style conventions of one language, in this case, Latin, and the words of another language, English, you get gobbledygook, and maybe that's what they want.

Maybe they want to avoid accountability by communicating in this fashion.

Let's pretend that this dead Army Corporal formerly attached to the Big Red One, and only "apparently" named on the DOG TAG above, is a franchise of a corporation. Not human.

There is no law against killing a corporation.

Let's suppose that a Medical Doctor, EDWIN M. DOWD, MD, who was unknowingly conscripted by undisclosed licensing agreements, is part of a "Civilian Military" obligated to obey commands from the Commander-in-Chief of a foreign Municipal Corporation.

He's a "Uniformed Officer" under Title 31 of the U.S. Federal Code. Just like a soldier undergoing a tour of duty, he has a lifelong obligation to kill on command. Or lose his license.

Should we be surprised that when Donald Trump or Joe Biden hands these men a syringe full of unknown substances and tells them to start injecting people, they inject like mindless zombies?

Against all common sense, against their own education, in total disregard of their professional oath?

Faced with the loss of their precious license, which they equate with their profession and ability to earn a livelihood on one side, and a $30,000 (on average) bonus for every American who died of "Covid", what's left to decide?

Bring on the syringes and batch numbers and Death Certificates. Check the box. Bring on the new orders for more "vaccines" paid for at Public Expense by the victims of all this "service".

Besides, DARPA, another lawless franchise of DOD, INC., claims to own the victims the moment they are injected with their patented bioweapon, so there's even more payola to slosh around the pig pen.

There's no crime in disposing of one's own property. And all those estates are worth a lot of money!

The only other Interested Party claiming an ownership interest is God, and He's not likely to step down from the clouds and complain.

And who owns DARPA, anyway?

The Pope, of course. He owns every corporation on Earth, and that is the secret to the immense wealth of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church and also the wealth of his British Overseers, and, far down the Totem Pole, the comparative wealth of the clueless Americans who have been acting as the muscle for both criminal empires --- Holy Roman Empire and British Empire, too.

These vermin claim to own us all, and they can dispose of what they own, can't they?

This madness has now reached a global crescendo.

Both the Agenda and those promoting it have to be stopped, before Joe Biden can order some more genetic pollution from Pfizer, et alia, and begin another round of "vaccinations".

The Tribal Police have been dispatched to evict the UN, WEF, and various other Players in this complete and utter mess. We propose to deputize twenty million more Peacekeeping Officers by Christmas and put an end to this insanity before it goes another step.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:

Now for the Truth, from a former liberal.

---If you want to claim that elections are not rigged then you might not want to arrest the people who question that, because then it looks like they are rigged.

---Telling people to march peacefully and patriotically is not inciting. According to our laws, inciting means telling people to actually do something which Trump did not.

---I dont even like Trump but wanting someone to go to jail because you dont like him is fascism.

---I will not listen to the side who burnt down cities, took over areas with armed people, and the side who wants people to go to jail for misgendering and hurting feelings, talk about democracy or fascism. Not one liberal cares about the little riot on Jan 6th.

---Remember when liberals said that dissent was patriotic? Remember when liberals said their whole life that elections are easily rigged and to not trust the courts and system, and how anyone can be paid off? Gore, Clinton and Abrams did the same things Trump did.

---Guiliani, Lake and Fox did not admit they lied about the election, they simply admitted to lying about certain comments they made. It's respectful to admit you are wrong, unlike liberals who never admit wrongdoing (just like Alinsky told them).

---Other conservatives simply dont want the system coming after them so they obviously fit in or stay quiet.

---Saying elections are rigged, calling someone and saying you want to find votes, and making a tweet, are not illegal.

---Any lawyer knows you can indict a ham sandwich.

---Liberals are forgetting one key thing: The Supreme Court is conservative. If Trump is found guilty of something there will be appeals all the way up, and the Supreme Court knows the law and will overturn.

---No, Trump cannot be disqualified for running for president. He is not being charged with insurrection, and he did not commit it either.

---Anything the elite left wing media says, assume the opposite is true. It's Alinsky's famous rule of "accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing".

---Russia invaded no one under Trump. They invaded Crimea under Obama and Ukraine under Biden.

---History shows that when the system is coming after you mercilessly, you did something right. Assange? Snowden? MLK? Navalny? Jesus himself? Mandela?

---The term "Big Lie" was coined by Hitler. Ouch.

To liberals: I know you all are on anti-depressants and benzos so you dont know any better, but this is bordering USSR nonsense and thats dangerous. The system will come after you too someday once you disagree on something.

To conservatives: This isn't about Trump, this is about your country turning into the USSR. My opinion is that it's unclear if Trump can win so you need to get behind the person who will win. Personally, I think that's DeSantis.