Record-strong heat dome fueling some of the worst heat of the year | CNN

Tens of millions of people are sweltering under one of the strongest, most brutal heat domes on record this week as record-shattering temperatures create dangerous conditions across more than 20 states.


Jessica Wisotzkey You know what you just described ? WEATHER ! It snowed in the winter and it was hot in the summer, and ! Nothing you have said proves global warming ! I remember when I was about 16 that would be 1962 , it snowed on Easter day, no one ran screaming into the night, it was an anomaly it happens. About 10,000 years ago there was an ice age, tell me, how meany cars were on the road back then ? None you say, infact there were no roads were there ! The arrogance of people who think they can control the climate is astounding ! The Earth is over 6 billion years old, weather patterns change we have no control over that, the Earth isn't going anywhere, we are !

Scott Price Yes, but how to solve it is the real answer and so far the Dems actions have mostly been to serve global corporatist and China. It doesn't matter how much regulation we impose on our businesses and people that put them at a great economic disadvantage as long as the mass of bad players use it to take advantage. Like we've let China dominate the battery market, tho their plants are mostly coal fired that make them. The mass of billions we've given away to foreign nations nothing much was done but lining pockets of corps with no real results. Gas prices so high hurt all Americans, already suffering terribly. What about the Mid East? About the only commodity they have is oil, without the ability to sell it to the world they would implode. The amazon is vanishing because Brazil needs the land for other resources. China and Russia are going to own us if we continue our failed policies. Natural weather cycles will still continue to warm the earth regardless. We best plan to deal with it. Over the last century, the average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1.0o F. It will continue.
