In the last decade, an estimated 40 million Americans lived within 1 mile of a mass shooting

No region in the US has been immune to mass shootings.


The article provides virtually all the evidence needed to show what the problem is…but CNN will never say it.

40 million within one mile of a mass shooting in the last 9 years?…well let’s see here NYC, Chicago, LA, and Houston alone have over 40 million people…and numerous other large cities have numerous shootings as well.

As CNN correctly points out, many people forget that mass shootings are A LOT more than highly publicized events…that the day to day carnage on our city streets makes up a significant portion of that number.

CNN then spins the “racial oppression line”….that blacks are more likely to become victims of gun violence….well no kidding…a lot of the urban areas they live in are occupied by other black citizens…some of whom are doing most of the killing.

To everyone on here…tell ya what…why don’t YOU go to the Gun Violence Archive website ( and do your OWN research. Try this…search the database for all shootings in Wyoming in 2023 (which has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the US) or better yet, Stewart County TN (which has THE highest per capita gun ownership rate in the entire US) and see how many shootings they have had this year. Then go look at Memphis TN.

The fact of the matter is clear and simple…it is not the number or availability of firearms that is the problem. It is the intent of the person using it….something our government and CNN REFUSE to address

Jesus loves y'all! And I will say this it's not a gun problem or a knife problem it's a heart problem.
We keep rejecting God and then wonder why things are getting worse.
People have a problem with morality these days because without God there is no morality. If I told someone that shooting someone was wrong and I said I don't believe in God then my statement is no more than my opinion.

We have a problem in this country because we push God away and yet we'll never hear the media say that. Our music promotes violence drinking drugs sexual immorality and I'm not just talking about rap music I'm talking about country I'm talking about pop and possibly more.

You can't turn on the TV nowadays without something sexual being on it or something violent being on there. And then they say if we just pass more laws this to get fixed. People I must say it without Jesus ain't nothing getting better ain't nothing going to get done we can hush or we can scream but unless we get on our knees before God ain't nothing going to change

TayTay Remy
Your education level is NOT higher than mine. You have already proven that.

You did NOT understand to what my OP meant or who I was replying to.

I asked for evidence on Democrats being mass shooters and you replied with this:

Don W. Pierce no, I don’t wanna try again because the article states there have been more mass shootings during this administration.

Sorry that reading is so hard for you. There are more mass shootings in gun regulated states.

Your quote:
“There have been more masks shootings during this administration.”

I never said ANYTHING about this Administration. Therefore, you have a comprehension and honesty problem!!

Earl Henderson …Statista tried that (gun control advocates love that site because their metrics show white makes are responsible for 77% of all mass shootings…they exclude drug/gang violence).

BUT HERES THE PROBLEM. Statista quotes something like 147 mass shootings in the last 41 or so YEARS. That works out to an average of around 3.6 mass shootings per YEAR in the ENTIRE COUNTRY. If that’s the case (which it isn’t) and we fudge the numbers high…say 20 per mass shooting…that’s “only” 70 victims out of over 20,000 victims annually, in which case mass shootings AREN’T a major problem.

The way Gun control advocates cheat on this is they use GVA numbers (over 600 mass shootings annually) and then the use Statista to incriminate white males as 77% of the shooters…and that is just NOT the case.

For example:

TayTay Remy
WOW….I asked for evidence and got predictable Trumpanzee rant!!
How pathetic is that?!!!

You said that l “can’t accept facts and move on.”
What FACTS have you posted? Here’s an answer: NONE!

You seriously don’t know the difference between fact and opinion

You don’t have to admit to something that I believe that you misunderstood. I fully expect pepper like you to ever admit their wrong.

“Nightclub shooter? Democrat”
“Columbine shooter? Democrat”
“Tucson shooter? Democrat”
“Sanders Hook? Democrat “

Oh, and I fully understand WHY you won’t tell me your education level

You have more than proven it

Don W. Pierce just say you can’t accept the facts and move on. If you think that democrats aren’t responsible for mass shootings then you shouldn’t be allowed on the internet. I will not admit to something that YOU think I understood. Speaking of weak insults, trumpanzee? Yeah, your education level definitely does not top mine. You literally posted “evidence…?” Without any specifics, and then when given evidence to everything you’ve asked you deflect.

Nightclub shooter? Democrat.
Columbine shooter? Democrat.

Thomas Hodgkinson shot and injured six people at a congressional baseball game in Virginia — nearly killing House Majority Whip Steve Scalise- democrat.

Tucson shooter? Democrat.
Sandy hook shooter? Democrat.

Stephie Foddrill Clarke " It is being stoked by the GOP " IF this it true, then those people have mental issues and cannot think for themselves. OMG can you not see your hypocrisy of your excuse? It's the tactics the Democrats used during the 2020 campaign with their "hate Trump" tactics. And look at the mess America is in NOW. But don't blame me, I didn't vote for Joe Biden .............. STOP with this blame game crap. Biden and his sheep pass blame onto Trump, the covid, Putin, "climate change" and OPEC for all the bad things that has happened since Biden took office. Democrat President Harry Truman said "the buck stops here" which meant that he was ultimately responsible for the actions of his administration. This administration and it's sheep should follow this..........
