Many in House GOP caution against tying Israel and Ukraine aid together

The Biden administration and congressional Democrats are weighing tying legislation for additional military support for Israel with military assistance for Ukraine, setting up a showdown with congressional Republicans opposed to helping Ukraine amid the tumult in the speaker-less chamber.


Victoria Yale , Several ways to look at many things.. Can the world get worse when others gain the tech we have and possibly even improve it.. Everyone learns one way or anouther.. Take your blinders off,, lots going on in the world.. God is already testing the world and if it is worth keeping around and by the looks of all it does not look good.. I would say God has already sent people to learn things for Judgement day, the good, the bad, the evil and more.. Can you even pass the test ?? The lords Judges will be the ultimate of all judges appointed by God. t will be people being Judged in many ways to determine worthyness.. It will not matter how much you pray, how many sins was done, how many good deeds an more although everything will be considered,, The need to survival and what had to be done, the need for food and what had to be done and more is on the forgiveness levels.. This is the baseline of all animals including humans.. Yes judges on earth will also be judged, everyone, including you and me.. Wickedness comes in many forms and ways,, . You did read and here of false profits ?? Oh well, guess we all wait and see.. Oh and also there are jails all around the world,, many just for control and harm.. But remember this and rember it well,, FORGIVENESS.. But do not mix it with false forgiveness.. Democracy can not even get you to heaven.. GOD IS WATCHING..

Kristin Frost you need to read history and look at current history in this world. Democrats are the party of WAR. WAR makes the big money they say they want to control guns we have so many gun laws on the books currently. Owners need to be responsible if they own a weapon. Mental health and drugs are the real issue.
Fighting for your kids in what way they have fought for kids? The whole education system especially teachers unions that democrats fully support. We have the dumbest children. Even some of our smartest kids can't hold a candle to education levels in other countries.
We have exchange students that spend a school year in America get straight A’s in English, Physics, Science, History, and Government even though this is not their native language.
Democrats say they are for the poor however, please look at the history they are for keeping the poor where they are so they can be controlled. They also do not believe in the middle class and are doing a fine job of deleting them.
Mental health is the main problem in America and crime. Along with the Billion people that have come across the border from all over the world. This has caused this country to spiral out of control.

Biden is destroying Israel to build a new Israel in Ukraine. 2 weeks ago Biden lifted visa on israelis to enter US 2 weeks ago. They will be the new settlers of the new Israel. Netanyahu is no better than mubarek or Gaddafi. Democrats want him out. And hamas is the same brotherhood used to destroy Tunisia Libya Egypt. The same militia used in Syria. They are trained in Ukraine to take Libya and Algeria. They have all the intelligence and logistics as any army. They dragged even general in his underwear out of his bed. Militias and mercenaries are the only tools liberals of DC have to achieve their goals worldwide. The world is in need for new order and laws and US cannot lead anymore for the last 25 years wars worldwide and death are caused by the greed of democrats. What is left for now for Biden is to open the wallet of taxpayers and pay to hamas the ransom need it. Schumar is already in China borrowing money but Biden wants to move jobs from China to india. SAY GOOD BYE TO G20 DEALS BIDEN. Indian goods will never cross gulf countries or Central Africa. You will not build India on the back on Arabs and africains.

We been giving Isreal 20 billion a month for numerous years, paid for their wall 3x over, they have the lowest education cost and free health care thanks to our governments generosity. They are the aggressors taking land not under the u land treaty given, they do terrorists acts against their foe. Like making a bet seeing if 5heir sharp shooter can take out a child on a school playground, shooting protesters who throw rocks. Destroying houses and businesses violent attacking those during Ramada in masque. Recently attacked women and is why Hamas committed a terror attack they claim. Peace not funding a war where the aggressor gets our tax dollars.

Mark Melendez actually they are.
The US established diplomatic relations with Ukraine in 1991, following its independence from the Soviet Union and had been supporting their transition to a democracy, you know, that thing we are supposed to care so much about.
We’ve been giving them aid in support of their democratic state efforts long before the war happened. They’ve been an ally.
Trump certainly treated them like an ally when he wanted Zelensky to give him dirt on Biden in exchange for some of that diplomatic aid they were supposed to get. You remember he got impeached for the first time for that right?
But even long before that Ukraine was one of the founding members of the United Nations.

But they don’t kill brown people so no friend of yours I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Russia, China North Korea and Iran are all bended in destroying the USA at all cause and will not mine using nuclear weapons to do so , and the US Congress instead of working for the good of the people is busy fighting against itself putting party politics above country what a shame,if the USA can't protect Ukraine because of party politics then how do you expect Japan and South Korea to trust the USA, so I'm of the opinion that considering the way I'm seeing things now and with the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel, Japan and South Korea should be allowed to produce their own nuclear weapons while the UK, France and Germany must modernize their militaries

Michael Linkowich Those are the ones the border patrol came across....
You would have to be the most naive person on the internet that number is even close to the amount that get across..
Hamas , Iran and others would love to pull another death toll on US bigger than 9/11.... and it's easy to get people thru the border...
Perhaps you are very young and do not understand that evil and hate we are dealing with...
With 9/11 and what barbaric attack in Israel, you still stick your head in the sand with no comprehension .
I know . Fox news is your response...

US Republican candidates, and mostly those already in, don't care about anything other than lining their own pockets and staying in power. They are willing to CONTINUE to let millions and millions of Americans DIE from guns, as long as they continue to be elected. So they'd be fine with letting even more humans in other countries die from violence.

There's a sickness in this country, and it's Republican.

Only Democrats are fighting for kids and any random citizens to NOT be shot while they're out living their every day life.

Republicans have never ever once said THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN ANY MORE.
If Republican voters STILL think it's OK that killing is brilliant, they should articulate who, when, why.

We must support BOTH! The fact that Republicans are trying to politicize Russia's attempt to wipe out that Ukrainian people and threaten the entire world, just because they hate Biden and Trump is being shown as the Putin loving criminal he is, is beyond sick.

They were all for supporting Ukraine until their witch hunt against Biden went into full swing. To abandon Ukraine for that reason is disgusting, and they're undermining our national security in the process, all while uselessly complaining about our borders. They have the majority in Congress, why don't they just DO something about our borders already! Instead, they're just using their majority in Congress to do nothing but push their political agenda and do nothing for the American people or our safety.

They don't want to solve problems, they just want to create them.

10ºAdeiza Hamid Ebira you see things in a very limited light.
Russia invaded Ukraine.
Palestinians and Iran started bombing and kidnapping people at a concert not the other way around. Both of these countries have no real right to start either of these wars. These countries or lands were all fought a long time ago let it be. The world has enough issues without men bombing and killing each other.
Ukraine is not part of NATO we can't send in advance weapons. Israel however, is NATO, and that pledge is to send AID.
To be honest I think America should only send humanitarian aid to any other country and nothing else.
