Biden warns Israel against occupying Gaza as ground invasion appears near | CNN Politics

President Joe Biden warned Israel against occupying Gaza in one of his most notable public calls for restraint as the Israelis respond to this month’s terror attacks by Hamas.


Jack Boyd, first, if you don't want peace, then you can't demand it of your opponent. And second, being attacked by terrorists doesn't mean you can kill the people from which they spawned. The USA was very careful about who and when they killed in Afghanistan! If anything, dealing with the Palestinians should be much easier.
And finally, Israel knew what Hamas represented before they allowed them to rise to power. So, either Israel is as dumb as a stick, despite the fact that they have one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world, or they wanted Hamas terrorism to justify their annihilation of the Arabs living in the historical territory of Palestine.

Steven Rodkin what right had anyone to tell people already living in area that the land didn't belong to them. The Britsh had no problem claiming land that didn't belong to them but will tell others. Like in Zimbabwe when the people wanted their land back and they told tje British to come get their people. They started taking back their land and the United States and Britain put sanctions on them. The British said that in South Africa that the land didn't belong to anyone. This tactic only seems to work when White people are claiming land where ever they go. To claim something from 3,000 years ago as a present right is ridiculous considering there is no proof or title which the west love to claim as a legal right. Using some scripture as some legal land claim is nothing short of a fraud and delusional at best. It goes back to the Doctrine of Discovery written in 1447. There are no other people on this earth that the western Whites would concede land to any indigenous people without issues. Could the indigenous people of Hawaii form their own government. Hell no. It is nothing but a big lie agreed on so another group of White Europeans can live out so make believe idea that most of them don't even believe themselves. Jews have the largest percentage of atheist any other group of people . Go figure that out. This is about nothing but opportunist taking advantage of ignorant people at the cost of innocent people. The Nazis propaganda machine had nothing on them.

Gaza has been remained as open wound to the whole world. The obvious thing is that severely open wound erupts naturally intermittently. Then mostly these wounds spread deep in the body of world and cause bigger threats to the existence of peaceful world. People need to be respected and treated like people else hatred spirals up and remains in the heart and minds of the wounded people and then from nowhere uninhibited actions form up and cause damage to existing peaceful places. Then we try to find answers and ask why such terrorism happened. We understand that things are not possible to cater wholesomeness to each individual but it is better trying in creating atmosphere and eagerness to treat people of places at least with thorough dignity that each human deserves by their human inheritance.

Things are impossible to deal with criminal minded people but those people are out numbered in the face of general peace loving people in this world. These types of people obviously deserve strong actions against them but general civilians must not be tied with those people and need solid backing from all societies across the world.

Basically we need peaceful world to live where religions should not be blamed and chuff out all anti social elements irrespective of religion belonging.

Simply we need cure to these wounds than keeping them open and blaming the causes again and again.

Where are human rights, where is the United Nations, where is the conscience of the world when it comes to Muslims or Arabs? We do not see anyone taking action. The children of Gaza, who have been besieged for more than seventy years by Zionist and Freemasonry gangs, are dying. They are killing children and women. We do not see any action. Rather, America and Britain support Israel and send them weapons to kill the people. The Palestinians and the seizure of all of Palestine. The world must read history to know the truth that there was no state called Israel before 1948

Now this idiot comes to warn against the occupation of Gaza after he and his press gave the green light to kill children, women and civilians in Gaza.
America and its press have their hands stained with the blood of children, because they allowed Israeli lies and propaganda to spread despite their knowledge of this lie.
You must know that Hamas's actions are not the beginning of the conflict, but rather are the result of the crimes of the occupation over decades. On which you remained silent.
All of you, as a Western and American society, know the truth but do not want to believe it. You lie to yourselves day and night.
You pretend to be in favor of human and animal rights to beautify your image, and at the same time you give the green light to a nuclear state like Israel to exterminate an entire defenseless people in Gaza. Be ashamed of yourselves, and look at your hands carefully, for the blood has reached the shoulder.

Mark Antony
Hamas was the last and only choice for people in Gaza.

I’m secular and I don’t like Hamas , but I understand that when people are so desperate for any hope, the result is what we have seen, and this will continue for decades, with Hamas or without it.

The result of a theoretical state based on one religion, like Taliban, Israel, or ISIS, is Orthodox Jews now have the tradition of spitting at Christian nuns in the streets of Jerusalem.

By the way, Gaza has many churches and a small percentage Christian Palestinians , and the Muslims in Gaza will never spit on Christian nuns, because of respect, and that the Koran has full section on Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary.

The Zionist experiment of “Israel “ on the land of Palestine was not viable from day one, and after one century it’s increasingly clear that it will never be.

Zionism has no alternative but to exact revenge for the reputation it has lost over the last 11 days of the conflict in order to relieve some of its resentment.

Zionism damaged homes, poisoned water supplies, cut off electricity, fuel, food, and medical services, all while targeting people in Gaza. It was still unable, nonetheless, to replicate Gaza's 1948 occupation of all of Palestine.

the reason being that Gaza is supported by the Lord and His Jesus in its fight against Zionism, and they do not welcome Zionism in Gaza.

It is unclear why Zionists reject their existing weak Lord, who will never be able to sustain them in this conflict, and instead worship an all-powerful, all-vicious, all-in control Lord and his Jesus.
How did your Zionism make you feel? Are the things I say comprehensible, prudent, and clear?2

Of course the children and innocent, and overall a very large portion of the population do deserve to live - and be governed by those that do not use them as human shields - and it is a terrible tragedy. Blame Hamas for their slaughter of innocent Israeli babies and others, civilians - and military.

Also, blame the brainwashing of many and proudness displayed of the horror they inflicted. Sickening and evil are not remotely enough to describe their awfulness.

Also, blame Hamas for using those they ?govern? as human shields.

Israel has given warnings before attacks (which allow the terrorists to escape too) and it has been far more than the 1 day they said they’d give before the ground invasion begins.

Why are no bordering countries helping these Palestinians relocate and with food, medical supplies and shelter? Is that perhaps because they do not want to have to deal with Hamas?

محمد ابوشاكر

I'm sure he didn't say it but someone is saying it on his behalf. We have all seen him and his government encouraging the occupation and encouraging Isreal to Destroy the Palastinian people. I'm sure this is not even coming from his heart. Trust me if Trump doesn't come back to power in 2024 our world will be completely doomed and America will be having enemies and face attacks from all directions. This Evil Man has brought war in Europe, War now in the Middleast and now doing everything possible to bring War in Asia and he will eventually push for two Nations to fight in Africa. This Wicked Man is a Curse not only on the US but on the Entire world. Woe to you Biden, Woe to you God is watching and you and your family will learn who God is the painful way

10ºBrittane Maddox - and what facts were those Brainiac?

That babies weren’t murdered in their crib?….nope that one was true.

That over 200 hundred unarmed music goers were targeted, hunted down and executed?….dang it, that’s true too

How about that Hamas kidnapped women and paraded them naked through the streets of Gaza City as the populous applauded and cheer….nah, that was true too.

Hmmm, maybe they were wrong that over the past year 3000 rockets had been fired in Israel from Gaza? AH HA!!! Yeah that one was wrong….oh wait. Yeah, not 3000 but 5000 rockets in the past year.

WAIT!!! I KNOW - I KNOW!!! Hamas is not using women and children as human shields. Darn it…that is happening because Hamas itself said they’re doing that.

Tell us Brittane…what are the actual facts???
